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The sky was clear; sun was dancing and it's rays were kissing every each person in the village. Such a beautiful day that you got the chance to experience — a beautiful day that was doomed to get ruined somehow.

Your face was pale while your eyes stared at the person standing by the entrance of your Marui Pod. The person that you once loved and now grew apart with.

"Hey Tsireya. . ." You lifted your hand to greet your former friend but it came out so awkwardly that even she had to fake a smile.

"Y/n. . ." Her breath hitched; the memories of you two spending time together kicked in.

You never understood why the two of you fell out, she just stopped talking to you one day. She'd stop Aonung from harassing you every now and then but the two of you never rekindled the friendship you once shared.

Your eyes wondered around while you fidgeted with your fingers, nervousness began engulfing your body. "What brings you here..?"

"I came to talk." She stated more quietly than she should have. "To talk to you. . ." Her words almost made you choke on air.

As she had her dreamy eyes — that would make anyone fold — glued on you, a shadow that you liked to call nostalgia began creeping into your head.

The nostalgia of the memories you two made, all those memories were now under thick layer of dust and has been long forgotten about. Until now.

"about what?" You could feel a lump forming in your throat as you spoke breathlessly.

Tsireya then eyed your mother behind you before her dazzling gaze fell back on you. Her hands were so soft and gentle that you didn't even feel her taking you by the wrist. "Alone, please?"

You felt like you were at the edge of screaming your lungs out from happiness. However you would never admit that you were glad she visited, not when she left you hanging in the air like that.

But you still nodded, accepting her request and allowing her to drag you by the wrist outside where the two of you were completely alone.

"The reason I wanted to talk alone is because I don't know how your mother would take it," she began explaining and you already didn't like the course of this conversation. "It's regarding the Sully family."

Your mind went blank while a visible frown towered your whole face. You were bewildered and basically placed in the 'fool' position after you had high hopes for her P to explain her side of the story so the two of you could start from a scratch again.

Honestly, you craved for that explanation.

"What?" You spoke in much more lower and irritated voice. "What about them?"

"Well. . ." She trailed with her words, making you one step closer to slipping into insanity. You hated the suspension she has created. "Could you maybe help me training the Sully children?"

Shock wave travelled around your body. If there was one thing that you were horrible at, it was telling jokes and genuine requests apart. But after seeing the dead serious look on her face, you couldn't help but to utter: "Are you serious?"

Here you were creating various of plans on how to avoid Lo'ak after having that conversation with your mom yesterday, and now she was asking you to basically spend weeks if not months with them.

It all depends on how long will it take for them to learn the way of water.

Tsireya's tail stayed downwards, sliding in-between her legs ever so slightly — which was a sign of her being nervous. "Y/n. . . I only have Aonung with me and you know him. . ." She reasoned.

You couldn't blame Aonung for being so cold and distant towards the newcomers. Accepting change was never really was his thing after all.

"No, I can't." You tried to refuse as politely as you could.

"Y/n. . .—"

"No. What would I tell my mother?" Before she could speak, you beat her to it.

Growing up the two of you were extremely close and she often had sleepovers at your Marui Pod, so she was familiar with your mother and her strict nature.

Though she wasn't going to give up just yet and that's why she shot you those pleading puppy eyes. "I'll think of something, we will think of something."

The way she emphasised that 'we' so softly and lovingly made the flame that had burnt out in your heart be reborn. And that flame burned brighter than ever. Maybe the two of you stood a chance of becoming friends again.

Or she was just playing mind-games on you, she was Aonung's sister after all.

"I don't know. . ." You averted your gaze to the opposite direction to avoid eye-contact. "I really don't want to lie to my mother. . ."

You were nearly convinced and Tsireya noticed that; she definitely did because soon after she seized your hands. "Please Y/n, you're the only one that I can trust with this task."

"Fine." You sighed, the feeling of defeat tickling your body.

You hated this part of you: the extremely naive and easily convinced one. You'd probably enrol into doing the dumbest of things if somebody would ask you nice enough.

Tsireya knew that side of you as well and that was precisely the reason why she came directly at you to ask for help and not somebody else. It was because she knew that with her angelic voice and persuading skills she'd be able to convince you without any effort.

"Cool!" She lightly hit your shoulder and offered you the most enthusiastic smile ever. "I'll see you later then, meet me at the beach in 10 minutes, okay?"

Her tail was now upwards, wiggling right behind her. While your tail was now the one to be downwards.

You freed an exhausted sigh as you faintly nodded. "Alright, I'll be there."

With those words, she ran off, doing little hops from time to time. As her silhouette got smaller and smaller, you stayed there — disappointed with yourself —

But you were distressed the most; distressed about how are you gonna stop yourself from falling for Lo'ak when the two of you are literally fated to be together?

How are you gonna put an end to this irrational love that you're drooling over for?

I'm so sorry if this is bad but for those who genuinely like this piece of story, THANK YOU. Your support means A LOT.❤️

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