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A soft golden colour fell on the sand and everything shone like stars in the moonlight. This was the most memorable time of the day for you, when everything around you had a pinch of gold.

The huge stone on which you and the others were sitting on looked nothing like an ordinary piece of rock, but like a huge and mighty meteorite.

But with that beauty came an inexorable anger, an anger that instead of being somewhere to enjoy this magnificent view, you were stuck here, among the Sully children.

Seconds turned into minutes and soon enough, into hours. Basically, you were wasting your whole day watching them learn. And so far, they've learnt nothing.

"Breathe..." your ears twitched at the sound of gentle and angelic Tsireya's voice.

Her eyes leaped from one Sully to another and despite seeing all of them perform the breathing horribly wrong, she still wore a sweet smile on her face.

You could never.

You just sat there, your chin resting on your palm while observing their futile attempts. It was boring, very boring. Maybe it's because you didn't want to be here or because your presence was never necessary in the first place. No matter what Tsireya says, Rotxo is always there to show the Sully children the ropes.

So what exactly was the meaning behind you being there as well?

"Lo'ak, you're doing it wrong." You heard Tsireya claim and immediately turned your attention to her. "Try to slow down your heartbeat."

Your eyebrows were furrowed while your jaw merely dropped, you would've never suspected that you'd ever see Tsireya teaching someone so lovingly like she did now.

She had her hands on Lo'ak's chest while her eyes shone like torches as she instructed him. You weren't jealous, you just didn't like seeing them acting like this.

"Breathe from down here." Her hands slid all the way down to the lower part of his chest. "Lo'ak, your heartbeat is fast, try to focus."

"Sorry." he blurted out while his face flushed red.

Crossing your hands on your chest, you decided to take your attention elsewhere. It wasn't long when you caught a glimpse of the smirk that Neteyam sent over to Rotxo who returned the favour with even wider beam.

On the other hand, Kiri, rolled her eyes at the sight of Lo'ak and Tsireya as if she could've lived a happy life without seeing this. And honestly, you related to her.

But even then, you could still feel someone's eyes glued on you and you knew well whose stare was it. It was ironic that the boy who's staring at you literally has some girl's hands on his chest.

"Alright." Tsireya finally backed away and returned her full attention to the others. "Has everyone managed to breathe properly?"

No answers, no raised hands, no raised eyes, no nothing. Everyone stayed completely quiet as if something got their tongue. Perhaps it because they still felt the awkwardness that was left behind the interaction that Tsireya and Lo'ak shared.

"No? Anyone?" As if she was desperate, Tsireya still tried her best to get some answers out of the Sully children.

But once again — silence answered instead of words.

"Well, you can go now then, let's wrap it up for today." Tsireya informed. A huge smile lit up your whole face just like a torch.

You quickly arose from your seat and carefully climbed from one rock to another - getting closer and closer to your village while rethinking all the various activities that you could do when your back.

But all your plans were just a single grain of sand among many more. You knew that even if you wanted to, you wouldn't be able to successfully make your plans happen because there were so many of them.

Or maybe because someone had other plans for you. "Will you teach me how to swim and breathe underneath the water?" Lo'ak stood in-front of you like a wall.

Face shone brightly into his face, making his eyes squint. As he bravely fought to keep his eyes open his shadow saved you from the bright sun so you didn't need to squint your eyes.

You tilted your head and placed your hands on your hips. "What?"

"Be my teacher."

A light-hearted chuckle escaped your lips as you thought it was a silly joke made by him, but after seeing that seriousness caressing his face, you realised, he was dead serious. And that realisation hit you like a bullet.

"You can't be serious..." You said, however it came out as hush whisper instead of a firm statement. "I won't be your teacher."

Lo'ak tilted his head and knitted his eyebrows. "Why not?"

"Because I have no time for this." Lo'ak called this bullshit. Everybody with common sense could tell that you were just bullshitting.

"Oh really?—"


Your body froze in an instant while your eyes were too afraid to face the person who just interfered with your conversation. You could recognise that voice even from a mile away.

"Mom!" You awkwardly laughed while scratching the back of your nape.

Your mother stood in-front of you both while her colourless eyes were fixed directly on you. She literally sensed where you were standing and with who you were talking to.

Lo'ak, who was still processing what had just happened, was rooted in his place like a tree. After coming to his senses, he finally extended his hand towards your mother. "Hello Miss."

She used her blindness to her advantage and pretended like she doesn't know that he wants to shake hands. But obviously — she just pretended. Maybe avoiding shaking hands runs in your family.

Lo'ak was uncomfortable but he was quick enough to mask it behind a polite smile that he just flashed. "My name is Lo'ak, it's pleasure meeting you Miss."

"Ümei." She sounded displeasured and strangely enough... disgusted? "It's a pleasure to meet you too child."

By the sound of her tone, you were more than sure that you and her are gonna have a long conversation tonight. Well but what did you expect? You disobeyed her direct orders.

There was silence afterwards and that silence affected you the most. It's like your insides were burning while your head was spinning. And that would still be an understatement to describe how you felt right now.

"Come child, I need your help with something." Your mother grabbed your wrist and roughly began pulling you with her.

As the two of you were walking away, you shot Lo'ak an apologetic look through your shoulder.

Poor boy was left standing alone, confusion gracing every part of his face as he quietly whispered to himself:

"So what about those teaching lessons?"

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