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silly drawings on the sand which would later on be washed away by the eating-all waves. But still, even if being aware by the short lives that those drawings will have— you just couldn't stop making them.

You were hanging out with your inner child.

"You're really good at this," Aíva noted, her eyes analysing your piece of work as if it was some sort of museum thing. "I never knew that we have an such artistic person among our clan."

"Stop the flattery." You couldn't take it. You hated the way compliments made you feel. Awkward.

She rolled her eyes at your shyness. Even without a smile on her face, she looked stunning. It was strange. You never even noticed her beauty until she became your friend. Or at least you considered her a friend.

You finally understood why Aonung was so stubborn and kept on chasing her around like a dog. If you were a boy, you'd probably do the same. She was one of a kind.


Like rain from the clear sky— a sound of a third voice was most unexpected.

What was even more unexpected is the owner of the voice. Rotxo. Him, of all people, should know that talking to you means trouble. And no, he wouldn't get in trouble with his parents if he talked to you. But let's just say that Aonung wouldn't take it too well.

You threw your head back. Just as you thought that you'll finally have a normal and good day. "What do you want? Shouldn't you be tormenting someone with your friends?"

"Right." Aíva nodded, "shouldn't you?"

He laughed in the most purest way ever. Maybe he wasn't here to give you a hard time. After all, he never personally picked on you unless his friends were there. "Calm down, I'm here to discuss a serious matter."

"What could you possibly want to discuss?" You were still doubtful.

"Feelings." It was just as hard to say it as it was for you to hear it. How his tongue managed to roll over and get these foul words out— that was the true mystery.

Aíva sighed all her frustration away and stood up from her sitting position. "Did Aonung send you again? Will he ever get it—"

"He didn't send me. Someone else did. And it doesn't really concern you, " Rotxo debunked her speculations with some humbling response. "It's about you." He pointed a finger at you.

"Feelings? What? What are you even talking about? I'm confused." You shook your head, this was resulting you a raging headache.

There was definitely something sketchy about this. Think about it— your bully's best friend, who was never fond of you, was now intending to chat with you about feelings. In what scenario does that happen without any secret mockery involved?

And even if so, your feelings has got nothing to do with him, so why is he questioning it now?

"Look, I got this friend that obviously likes you," he tells you, eyes revealing desire to quickly get this over with and go on his own way. "You know him, he's that newcomer. I was surprised that he likes you, but he does."

"Is his name perhaps—" you paused in the middle of your sentence. Of course it was him. You needn't even ask. Who else can it be if not him. "Forget it. Of course it's him."

Speaking of which, since when the two are friends? Last time you've checked, neither of them wanted anything to do with each other.

Just the thought of him asking Rotxo to deliver his feelings to you was enough to make your stomach turn. It's like you were experiencing sudden air hunger as no matter what you did, you just couldn't balance your breathing. That boy still finds a way to communicate with you even if he isn't near.

He sure is dedicated. Is this the rightful way of approaching someone in his homeland?

"Tell him that I don't like him." You rotated your head in the other direction, pretending to be disgusted even if you couldn't help but to be happy in reality. "No, tell him that I'll never like him."

"Oh..." your ruthless statement even made Rotxo himself to zip his lips tight and avert his gaze to the ground. "Right, I'll tell him exactly that..."

With that, he slowly backed away and waited till there was a comfortable distance between you two together rush back and deliver the good news.


"There you are!" Juro jumped up with a wide smile on his face. Rotxo was still far away when Juro noticed him, after all, he had an eyesight that of an eagle. "Guys! Bro is back hurry!"

The two— Lo'ak and Hui'timi appeared in the picture as he was getting closer. All three of them waving their hands and laughing. Probably all of them were expecting amazing news.

Rotxo was doing a walk of shame so it took him a little bit too long to get to the three boys, and when he did, he didn't even bring himself to look them in the eyes. Especially to look at Lo'ak's eyes who was basically the victim.

"So? How did it go?" Hui'timi gave a light tap on Rotxo's shoulder.

"What did she say?" Another question rang in the air.

"Well—" Rotxo scratched the back of his nape, rethinking of how he's going to break it to them.

"She surely said yes!" Juro placed both of his hands on his hips. He looked just like a father proud of his son. "I sense it. Lo'ak, today is your lucky day!"

"Did she really?" Lo'ak, more shy than the two, asked. Not even in his wildest dreams he could've seen this coming. It couldn't be true, right?

That girl was so avoidant to even exchange a few words, so how can it be that she accepted his feelings? It's not that he actually does harbour some romantic meaning in his heart for her, but still, how?

"She said..." Rotxo's tongue couldn't roll over to tell them what actually she said. So, he decided to play Cupid and lie shamelessly. "She said that you have a chance bro." Before he could realise, the lie was already off his tongue.

He didn't even think it through. He acted on impulse. Not even for a mere second has he stopped to think about the possible outcome of this lie.

White lie was a lie that does no harm. And if there was a lie completely opposite to it, it would surely be this shameless lie. He'd call it— a black lie.

The two, Hui'timi and Juro, were both happily cheering for their friend. Lo'ak was enveloped in a thoughtful silence as Rotxo was drowning in guilt.

'I.. have a chance?' Thoughts raced each other in Lo'ak's head, he found it too hard to believe. 'This is so frustrating. Only a chance?' Believe it or not, back in his home, girls were falling underneath his feet. Maybe it was because he was the son of the Chief, or maybe because he was cute.

Whatever it may be, he wasn't used to try this hard for a girl so all of this was a new experience.

Btw, what the hell? A new update after SO long? Sorry guys, been writing a novel and completely abandoned my works on this app, my bad, I'll try to finish this story❤️

I love y'all, hope y'all taking care

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