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"Want me to tell you a secret?"

The boy spoke, love gracing his tone as his eyes stared into yours. More specific, he couldn't keep his eyes off your soft-looking lips.


You giggled, the boy's nervousness and flushed face was the best view in your eyes. If he happened to be a painting, you'd offer your life savings for him with no hesitation.

"Upon the first day I arrived, I always secretly searched for you to hold even the shortest conversation."

His words tickled your heart, he was completely head over heels for you and you felt the same way towards him.
He was the most amazing thing that has ever happened to you and you'd gladly relive the moment of meeting him all over again.


Your eyelids weighted heavily on your eyes and strangely enough you felt like you were on cloud nine. You had fallen asleep underneath the palm tree and you regretted it.

Every time you close your eyes — the boy caresses your mind and then haunts you like a nightmare. A nightmare that is yet so sweet almost like you'd want to dream about him all the time. . .

In this dream his visual was much more clear now — He owned the eyes of yellow colour and his black hair were braided and tied in a low ponytail. He looked ridiculously a lot like Lo'ak which later led you to your conclusion — Lo'ak was the boy from your dreams without a doubt.

But then it means that by the words 'I searched for you on the first day I arrived' he means that he's looking for you at the moment. Which means that interaction with him is almost inevitable.

"Eywa please help me. . ." You lazily rubbed your eyes to rub the sleepiness away. "What do I do?"

It was getting dark; the sun was about to hide and allow the darkness to envelop the village which meant one thing — night is coming up.

With that having in mind, surely Jake Sully is better than to allow his son to venture all alone at the unknown village with people he yet had no connection with.

Then the idea of going to the beach kissed your mind. Beaches at night are far more relaxing than at day time when people are all around. At night, you can peacefully embrace the stars and connect with the earth fully.

The thought of visiting the beach at night always seemed to amaze you so you couldn't blow such opportunity off.

With the intention of visiting the beach, you completely forgot about Lo'ak searching for you and allowed your other thoughts to be swayed away by the gentle warm breeze.


"One day I wish to be reborn as one" You muttered to yourself as you extended your hand towards the sky with glistening stars.

There were so many of them — far many that you'd count yet all of them shined like one. When united, they'd light up the sky in the most beautiful and unique colour of silver.

"You do?" A second voice behind you caught you off guard, making you shoot up from your seat.

You turned around, ready to give the person that interrupted your alone time a piece of your mind. Though when you saw Lo'ak all the words that were tickling the tip of your tongue completely disappeared.

It was the first time you held an eye-contact for so long but when your eyes fell in his, you found yourself lingering in them too long. "What. . . What are you doing here this late?"

"Well I just decided to go for a walk." He scratched the back of his nape, revealing how nervous he was.

His nervousness matched that of the boy in your dreams and now you were more than certain that it was him. It was really him.

But most of all — you hated the way you felt in his presence. It's like your body was caressed by thousands of winds while your heart grew wings and gently flew among them, sending love breeze towards you.

"Oh. . ." You hummed almost at loss of words.

The next time Lo'ak spoke, he spoke with unfamiliar dazzling voice. "I'm sorry if I scared you. Were you stargazing?"

You fixed your hair behind your ears as his inquiry quickly knocked you back into reality; the reality that almost reminded you of a dream.

"Uhm Yeah. . ." You nodded.

His eyes lit up like torches as if he was expecting this kind of answer. This was the opportunity he couldn't afford to miss. "May I join? I mean only if you want."

If you allowed him to stay you'd be too far gone and you'd be disappointing your mother. But if you blew him off then you'd be deceiving yourself and would always have the title of being rude.

"Sure." You tapped the sand beside you, gesturing him to sit down and join you. "Come."

A sweet smile was carved up at his lips as he sat beside you, sending multiple shivers down your spine.

"I used to stargaze back at my homeland as well." He told while his eyes wondered among the stars.

"Oh really?" You smiled to yourself as you kept your eyes fixed on the ground. "How did you like that?"

He didn't answer at first, he looked to be pondering his own thoughts. Everything here probably reminded him of home — the trees, the stars, the sky, the moon — everything.

After his brain processed that you asked him a question, he quickly snapped back. "It wasn't bad, but you know, siblings sometimes ruin beautiful things."

His statement made you chuckle, mostly because you wouldn't know. You were the only child and didn't have to deal with such problems. Lucky you.

"Yeah I wouldn't know." You shrugged, earning a frown from the boy. He made the face of jealousy.

"You should spend time with my siblings, then you'd know what constant nagging and lectures really feels like."

That was when you broke the conversation and allowed yourself to be engulfed by the silence. He probably will think that the two of you are close when in reality you'll avoid him tomorrow too.

He had no idea that he was on your mind 24/7 and that you'd do anything for him to stay away to avoid unnecessary feelings growing inside of your heart.

You were too engrossed by your own thoughts that you didn't realise that Lo'ak was also in another dimension, his eyes fixed on the sky yet his mind wondered somewhere else.

You wished the night would never end, but all nice things must come to an end eventually.

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