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The breath of wind, the oozing of the clear sea tickled your ears as your feet sank into the soft, warm sand. The sun radiated heat that almost engulfed you whole — honestly maybe you didn't mind visiting the beach if it meant to experience this.

As you walked towards the sea, the silhouettes of the Silly kids got bigger and bigger. Eventually, it was big enough to make out their faces.

"Y/n! You're here!" The warm greeting was made by Tsireya, who snatched everyone's attention.

"Wait, you invited her?" Anger graced Aonung's tone — it was music for your ears. "Why would you invite her? We don't need her."

Unbeknownst to you, a teasing smile already crept onto your face. You enjoyed seeing the boy so irritated, especially if you were the cause of it.

You'd take a picture if you could.

On the other hand, Tsireya didn't seem to enjoy her brother's attitude. "Yes I did." She stated straightforwardly. "And you got a problem with that?"

"Actually yes I do—"

Their conversation was cut off, well at least cut off from your ears, when someone's hand reached out to you. It was Lo'ak's older brother who's name you still didn't get the pleasure to learn.

"Neteyam." He said while shaking your hand.


You assumed that other siblings were looking up to their older brother cause soon after all of them introduced themselves. Except Lo'ak whom you knew already of course.

"Hey." Lo'ak was happy to see you , you could tell by the sound of his voice: blissful and lightly surprised.

You dismissed his words by pretending not to hear it and saw the confusion shadowing his face. You felt bad, you really did, but you could never betray your mother.

"Alright!" Tsireya clapped her hands, seizing everyone's attention once more. "Shall we begin?"

With those words being said, she, Aonung and Rotxo all three dived into the shallow water and allowed themselves being taken away by the gentle waves.

All of the Sully kids were rather dubious about this after seeing how fast all of them disappeared into the depths of the sea, they were kinda hesitant about following along.

"It's okay." You told. "The sea does no harm. It only exists to allow people to be freed from whatever anguish or lonely demise that they've endured."

"Lonely demise?" Kiri knitted a brow as she tilted her head.

"Well yeah," you shrugged your shoulders in return. "All of those who are long passed are in the embrace of the sea now."

With that being said, you jumped onto the water to catch up with the others who were patiently waiting for the Sully's to follow.

It took them a few minutes which led you to your conclusion that maybe — just maybe — your words weren't really that reassuring.

'Teaching them is helpless—' Before Aonung could finish signing the rest of his sentence, all of you were knocked back by a strong wave caused by the sudden stir of the sea.

When all of the bubbles within the sea dispersed, all of you squinted your eyes to see what caused such sudden change in the sea. It was none other than the Sully kids who jumped into the water shamelessly.

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