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You hate love.
You hate the side of love that clings onto feelings that both of the parties once shared. The kind of love that steps upon it's shattered pieces instead of trying to glue them back together.

"I'm not gonna do this anymore, Y/n."

Soon, this kind of love began sucking on your feelings towards Lo'ak. And it angered him. It angered him that you made no effort to protest.

"What do you mean? Are you giving up on us?"

You tried to reach for his hand but he backed away. He ran his hand through his hair, he fastened the pace of his breathing, he has sent you into mystery.

"On us? I'm giving up on you. There was never 'us' to begin with, it was just you and your dumb mind games."

His words left you in awe, you jaw fell open however no words escaped from your mouth. It wasn't because you had nothing to say, it was because it was the truth.
You played mind games and still managed to fall in love with him somehow.

"I'd go against my parents for you, but would you do the same?"


Cold sweat, laboured breathing, shaky hands — the worst kind of combination that'd always torment you whenever you'd snap out of your daydream.

Today was no different, a daydream has occurred you once again and then handed you over to the combination that you despised. And now, you, still shaking, blankly stared at the Sully children trying their best to mount their Ilu's.

Their futile attempts were kind of funny but yet you weren't laughing. You were still trying to process the meaning behind your daydream.

And while you did so, you basically burned Lo'ak with your intense stare. It appeared that in your daydream he was angered with you. His words implied that the two of you didn't have the best relationship which was good.

Easier to avoid him than to settle for a relationship like this.

"Excuse me..." your attention was snatched away when a thin voice rang out.

You turned around and found a little girl standing behind you, by her appearance you just knew that it was Tuk — the youngest child of Jake Sully.

"You look kinda sad, is everything okay?" She asked worryingly but also carefully.

Her voice caressed your ears like a gentle wind, you've never heard a voice so innocent and genuine. Her eyes matched her voice perfectly, if you happened to wonder what eyes do angels have, you'd definitely pick Tuk's eyes.

"Ah... I'm fine, thank you." Snapping out of your thoughts, you patted her head and issued her a half-convincing smile. "Why aren't you mounting your Ilu like your siblings?" You pointed to Neteyam and Lo'ak behind you.

A saddened sigh was freed from her mouth as her ears went downwards. "Mom and dad said that I'm too young."

Her frustration was justified. If you had to watch your non-existent siblings ride their Ilu's for the first time while you weren't allowed, you'd be raging mad by now.

Taking her by her tiny hand, you began gently pulling her somewhere further. "Come, then the two of us can do something else."


"I love her already!"

Tuk's smile was brighter than the sun itself as she allowed an Ilu to eat the fishes from her hand. As if sensing that Tuk was still a young girl, the Ilu, who's name was Suzu, ate from her hands very gently and carefully.

"I think that she loves you too." You smiled, sending various blissful waves hug every part of Tuk's body.

After seeing how happy she was, you've realised that you truly was never this happy. Maybe it was because you were basically friendless and had to learn how to ride Ilu's the hard way?

Boys also never looked at you, they'd always brush you off as a weirdo just because your mother was a shamanka. However you didn't mind it.

Sometimes even loneliness could use a friend.

You didn't even realise that you were engrossed by your own thoughts until you heard Tuk say: "My brother speaks of you often!"

You felt embarrassed as a faint blush travelled all over your face. You were determined to laugh her words off but a blunt "What?" Came out instead of a dry laughter.

"Lo'ak!" She announced, making your heart shiver by the sound of his name just a little bit. "I could hear him talking to Neteyam about you all the time!"

He talks about you? You were well aware that destiny had both of you wrapped around it's fingers but you had never anticipated that he'd be blinded by love so fast.

And the worst part was...you felt delighted. You felt delighted to know that he was talking
about you. You'd do everything just to hear their conversation about you, to hear Lo'ak's tone whenever he'd mention you.

You awkwardly fixed your hair behind your ears as a light chuckle escaped your lips. "Oh... how sweet..."

"Tuk! There you are!" An unfamiliar boyish voice called out, catching both of you by surprise. "Do you even know how worried I was?"

The voice seemed to belong to Neteyam who rushed over to his little sister and scooped her in his arms. He was genuinely worried for her safety and the guilt you felt was unbearable.

Too unbearable to stay quiet "I'm sorry, it's my fault." He averted his gaze to you. "I should've told y'all before taking her so recklessly."

Neteyam's lips parted as he was ready to respond something back when he was cut off by Tuk clinging into his arm. "But me and Y/n had a great time! Please don't be mad at her!"

Neteyam knitted his eyebrow as the curiosity tickled his heart. He was craving to know what the two of you were doing but all his questions dispersed when he saw Suzu, craving the water around Tuk, making happy noises.

"Alright, it's okay." He sighed; it was a sigh from relief rather than a sigh from defeat. He was just relieved that his sister was okay.

With the corner of your eyes, you could see Lo'ak trying to hold in his laughter as made tiny steps to approach you but you backed away. As you did so, you saw how his expression changed into confused one.

Why'd you ignore him? He thought that the two of you were finally friends?

Before he could ask those questions, Tsireya took him by the wrist to earn his attention. "Come on, we'll learn how to properly breathe now."

He nodded to her words and allowed himself to be pulled away as you quietly tailed behind the groups, thinking if your presence was even necessary.

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