Ch: 1 Invitation From Father

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"Huhhh? What is this all about?" Ayato whined while sitting in the living room. Reiji sighed for like the millionth time because of his annoying brothers. 
"Well, if you haven't heard properly, this is an invitation sent by Father." Reiji answered. "You mean... Karl Heinz?" Yui questioned, to which Reiji nodded. 
"What does that old fart want now?" Ayato groaned while sitting on the couch.
It was just another normal day in the Sakamaki household after the bizarre incident of the lunar eclipse. It's been about a month since the strange phenomenon became old news, and things have turned back to how they used to be. 
But not until this moment, where Reiji has received a letter from their father, KarlHeinz, after such a long time of being absent. 
Where is our main protagonist, you ask? Well- 
"BE CAREFUL!!" a voice yelled from above the railings as the three people sitting in the living room looked up. Eyes widened as they saw a three-headed serpent just diving towards them. 
Ayato quickly grabbed Yui as he moved away from the attack, and so did Reiji. "ANIM! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!?" 
Anim jumped down the railing as the serpent just started to slither away. Anim opened a book and threw it at the serpent's head, raising his hand as he held the serpent with his magic and made it get trapped inside the book. 
He sighed as he walked to pick up the book and looked at the three people with a nervous smile. "I- uh- um--well- you see, I saw a spell that allowed anyone to bring any being into reality, so I- um- kinda-" 
"So you decided to bring a 5-foot, three-headed serpent into reality!? What were you thinking?!" Reiji yelled as Anim just stepped back in fright, "A five-foot, three-headed serpent...?" Anim mumbled out as he tried to make a run for it, but Reiji grabbed Anim's caller from behind as he sighed for the million and oneth time. 
"I know you like doing magic stuff, but that doesn't mean you will use father's powers willy-nilly. You could have put everyone in trouble with your little stunt." Reiji rolled his eyes as he dragged Anim to the couch. 
It's not like Anim didn't feel guilty for his actions, but still, he was able to summon a serpent that is almost as tall as a human, and that too with three heads, and he still doesn't feel like he will die any minute? That's an achievement for him. 
would still make sure not to kill anyone in the process, though. 
"Anim, please be careful next time... You might end up hurting yourself as well," Yui told as Anim just did a dry chuckle. He sits down on the couch. The other three also settled down at their places. "Well, let's wait for everyone to arrive here so I can finally announce what's in the letter." 
"A letter?" Anim asked as he titled his head and looked at the paper Reiji held. "Yeah, it's from their father," Yui answered. 
"Ehhhh? What does he plan to do now?" Anim whined, Ayato laughed, and he said, "That was my exact reaction when I heard it for the first time!" 
"Eh, I can't believe I shared a brain cell with you." 
"Oi?! What is that supposed to mean?"
"Ho~ what seems to be the matter here?" Laito spoke in his usual sly voice as everyone's attention turned to the man who stood behind the couch. 
"Yes, exactly. Both me and Teddy have important matters to attend to." Kanato frowned as he stood behind the couch as well. "You guys better make this quick! I don't have all day!" Subaru yelled as he stood in his little corner as usual. 
"Well, everyone seems to be here; where is that good-for-nothing deadbeat?" 
"Over here... Just speak what's in the letter." Shu spoke, lying down on a couch that was placed at a distance, his voice having the usual listlessness and laziness. 
"This set up reminds me of the first day we all sat here together," Anim murmured as he remembered the incident. How far have they all come from being blood sucking lunatics to... a little less blood sucking lunatics?
"Since everyone is here, I have received a letter from Father about the Vandead Carnival happening tonight. We are all invited," Reiji said. 
"A carnival?" Yui questioned. "What is that old man up to now?" Subaru questioned as he frowned his brows. 
"He never invites us to any carnivals; I wonder what makes this time so special." Kanato held on to his teddy a little tighter. Laito chuckled and spoke, "Who knows what's in the mind of that old man of ours? I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up sending us all to Mar~." 
Anim widen his eyes as he looked at Laito, chuckling a bit, "Ho you say that because he once sent Shu to the North Pol-?" Anim realised as he shut up and looked at Shu, "Eh-heh. No offence-" 
Shu didn't move a muscle as he just lay there motionless. Reiji scoffed, "Honestly, he made the right choice while doing so; he should have made him stay there for all I care." 
"That's  kinda Harsh...." Yui said, "And... Your father sounds like a really scary person.." 
"Ho he is." Anim, Laito, and Ayato spoke together at the same time with the same monotonous expression. 
"You guys are exaggerating this a little bit," Reiji sighed. "Tch…What a load of crap! What the fuck is this "Carnival" bullshit!? He must have lost his mind or something!" Subaru yelled as he raised his fist and smashed the wall. 
If Anim's magic didn't stop his hand, that is. Subaru's eyes widen as he sees his hand being held back by some force as he He just tched and looked at Anim. "You have to stop doing that all the time!" 
"Honestly, please don't stop doing that; it's the only thing I like your magic for. And Subaru, if you punch one more hole in the wall, I shall be subtracting the reparation costs from your personal allowance." Reiji pushed his glasses up. 
Anim let go of Subaru's hand as he chuckled at the situation a bit, and Subaru just got more frustrated, "Eh!? That's Unreasonable!" 
"And what part of this is unreasonable?" Reiji frowned and rubbed his forehead. "Either way, this is the status quo, so we’ll be heading to the Vandead Carnival tonight." 
"What makes you think I’m participating in that crap? I’m not going." Ayato crossed his arms and sat back. 
"I don’t want to either. Me and Teddy have better things to do." Kanato also denied 
"Seems kind of dull, so I guess I’ll pass too," Laito shrugged his shoulders.
"I’m obviously passing as well. I’m not obligated to tag along." Subaru was just pissed. 
"Me neither... I don’t have the time to waste on dad’s stupid games," Shu also rejected. 
"I see…Well, that is fine by me." Reiji pushed up his glasses, as he was more than happy to leave his brothers alone. 
"Um.. Can I come?." Anim raised his hand. Reiji looked at Anim with a bit of surprise, "You want to?" Yui asked him with a slight concern.
"Yeah, I mean. It's the demon world! Someone would be crazy to miss the opportunity!" Anim smiled. Everyone just looked at him as the crazy one over here, which he probably was.
Reiji was caught a little off guard by the question,
He cleared his throat as he spoke, "Well, be my guest. But you would have been tagging along regardless because Father invited you and Yui to come as well."
"What? Me too?" Yui asked as she pointed at herself. "Huh-!? What? Why??" Ayato yelled as he snatched the paper away from Reiji and read it. Reiji just calmly answered his question. 
"Yui is being made the "Queen of the Carnival," and Father wants to meet Anim personally." Reiji eyed Anim. "It seems like he has taken quite an interest in you. Not sure why." 
"Um... Ehehe, it's a longer story than the Ring story... So.. Yeah, but it would be the first time I would be meeting him in person." Anim looked down at his hands and said, "That's kinda... Off putting..."
"And what about me? What does being the Queen of the Carnival mean?" Yui asked as he looked at the guys, "Oh yeah, what's the deal with that?" 
"Well, we don't know about that," Laito shrugged, "we triplets have never been there, and the same with Subaru; he was a loner, so he never went as well." 
"oi!? Don't call me a loner!" Subaru yelled. Laito ignored him as he shot him a smile and turned his attention back to the two humans sitting. 
"Well, I have been to the carnival once, and I don't remember there being a queen or anything." Shu spoke as he sat up and looked at the two. 
"Hm.. I have been there once, and just like Shu, it's the first time I have heard of such a figure as well." Reiji placed a finger on his chin. 
"It sounds very fishy to me, Reiji," Anim stated. "Are you sure that... I don't know, Karl might end up putting us in a realm of madness or something. Or just send us to Mars?" 
"Don't speak nonsense... Well, this has never happened in the previous events." Reiji hummed. "Well.. in any case, I would be taking these two together with me then. All of you can be part of Father's Punishment later."
After hearing that and thinking about it for a few minutes, everyone slowly started to agree on going. Mostly because nobody really wants to go to space just because they didn't go to a carnival. 
"W-wait! How is the carnival in the demon world even like?" Yui asked, "It's a carnival. What else do you expect?" Ayato spoke as if it were the most obvious thing ever. 
"But it's the demon world; are there dragones? Please say yes!" Anim suggested, "Or, I don't know, some other magical being!" 
"No. As far as I know, there aren't any dragons in the carnival. It's just a normal celebration held for vampires," Reiji answered. Anim's heart just shattered into pieces as he huffed and sat back on the couch. He crossed his arms and looked at Yui dead in the eye and said, "It's not worth it." 
"Anim! Just because there are no dragons, you can't risk being sent to Mars!" Yui said as he stood up and held Anim's hand, "Come on!" 
Anim let out a whine as he held on to the couch for dear life. "Yui!! That old man can't do shit to me! Let go!" 
Reiji sighed as he looked at the time. "The carnival will begin in about 4 hours. If we leave now, we will reach the site just in time, maybe a little early if we get lucky." Reiji then turned to the two humans, who were still struggling. 
"Ayato and Subaru get these two to car. Subaru, be careful if the maget starts kicking around," Reiji said as he went away to make a few preparations. 
"Alright Chichinashi! Time for you to be crowned the Queen." Ayato just held on to Yui's wrist as he made his way out the door. "Wait, what about Anim-?" Yui asked as she looked back, only to see Anim and Subaru talk about something. 
Anim then got up from the couch with a pissed expression, but it seemed like he agreed to it anyway. "Huh. Well, that's convenient," Yui mumbled, as now she wasn't worried and walked ahead with Ayato. 
"I guess everyone is obligated to come along now. Come on, little Ani~ We will have a great time at the carnival together~" Laito cheered as he threw an arm around the male. "Oi! Who said he would be spending time with you?" Subaru huffed. 
"Honestly, the carnival would have been cooler if there were dragons. Then I would have probably wondered who I should go with, but now I am just sulking," Anim sighed. 
And with that, everyone made their way to the car and sat down to leave immediately. 
What wonders might await them?


I can't believe I am writing about the games as well now. It's- It's beautiful. I hope.

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