Ch 12; shooing people away with Shu.

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A/N: I am Back. For a little bit
happy to see y'all again :D

Anyways, a very small Chapter today, didn't felt like posting in bluck and was kinda busy. Either way, hope you enjoy!

Warning: UnEdited!!!


"whao, this place looks even more crouded then before" Anim commented as he walked besides Shu as they both walked through the carnival. Shu yawned as he lazily walked along, "don't make me jealous, It already hurts my head to be surrounded with so many people at once"

"I don't tell you take me out" Anim chuckled as Shu sighed, rolling his eyes a little at the sarcasum. Anim suddenly halted his steps as he grabbed Shu's arm and pointed at a direction. Shu looked where the boy was pointing at and it turned out to be just a simiple looking cafe with not many people in sight.

"shall we?" Anim asked with a big smile, "I don't feel like being around a crowd at the moment too"

Shu nodded as the two made there way towards the cafe and opened the front door. There were just some handfull of people sitting there and the place was more quite and peaceful, prefect for the two who just wanted to distract there minds. One of the staff came up to the two as he greeted them, "Good Evening Mr. Sakamaki! How may I serve you and your partner today?"

the staff member looked at Anim, suddenly forming a slight frown and looked back again to Shu, Anim already had a bad feeling about that. "Mr. Sakamaki... is this partner of your...perhaps Human...?"

"Yeah. what about it?" Shu answered in his monotonous tone, the staff's smile disappeared in a second when he heard that and replied, "Sorry Sir, but we cannot serve Humans here. There stanch will make the other customers insane and it would pollute the whole environment of the cafe."

Anim gulped as he tugged on Shu's shirt, Whispering "S-Shu... maybe we should leave..." He suggested as he couldn't to deal with this sort of situation at the moment, nor did he wanted Shu to be involved in this drama either. Shu looked towards Anim, He held his hand as he nodded. he looked back at the staff and spoke, "The disrepect you are showing right now is probally the main thing that is polluting the environment. Also, this Human right here was invited specially by my father, I am sure he can report this misbehavior to him and then Your little cafe can go own in shambles"

That is probably the longest sentence Anim has ever heard come out of Shu's mouth and he sounded so scary yet....oddly hot- Maybe something is wrong with him to thing that.

The staff took the baet as he had the look of clear frustration and fright. he Gulped and finally agreed to let the two in, Shu and Anim walked to a table as they both sit opposite to each other. "Shu... I am sorry for the trouble... the spell's effect has become a bit weak..." Anim apologies.

Shu sighed as he rested his head on the table, "Don't be sorry for something that is not your fault... Demons are assholes by nature" He told, to while Anim couldn't help but smile a bit, "I know one Demon that isn't"

"that is because I am more tolarable then others...also listless" Shu adimited while made Anim chuckle more, "Adds to your charm I guess" He told.

"here are your menu's" the staff that greeted the two earlier appeared out of nowhere and placed two menu on the table. Anim quitly thanked out of habit as he looked through it, the staff disapering away. "I guess I'll have some of this..."

Anim looked at the menu where Shu pointed, "ho? Apple pie?"

"Hm... Or maybe this..?"

"Apple cake?"

"This looks good too"

"... Apple milkshake?..."

Anim chuckled as he raised his head up and looked at Shu, "do you like apple related things?"


"Then why are you ordering things having apple in it?"

Shu sighed as he rested his head on the table, "just order already" He told as Anim nodded as he gestured the waiter to come and take there order. "Ho and, it doesn't need to be cooked..."

".... Shu?" Anim kindly turned towards the sleepy blond, "yes?"

"Are are asking me order you raw apples?"

"Nope, why would you think that?"

"..... My god Shu-"

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