02|| Hi'itsamsiyu

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Skakoan truly was a great fighter. His form was immaculate, his eyes predatory. The one thing he lacked: Agility. He was muscular to a fault, he was big and brutal, however, his massive swings where slow. 

He plunged the spear towards me as I held mine to my face, stopping it in it's tracks. I was waiting for a perfect moment to strike, and as we fought harder and longer he would eventually give me one. I evaded his attacks quickly. A sheen of sweat was layered on his foreheat as he tiredly swung the head of his spear. In a last ditch attempt he jumped and hurled the spear at my stomach. 

I heard the Tsahìk and Olo'ekytan gasp as he threw a spear at a teenager at full throttle. I nimbly dodged the attack as the blade lodged itself in the rock on an angle. I ran up his spear and kicked him in the stomach, sending him flying. I tugged on his spear and held it to his heart, mine to his neck. He was sprawled on the ground as he desperately tried to move. I stayed silent as I softly pushed the blade to his skin, not to the extent of drawing blood.

Skakoan held his arms up in defeat while I withdrew the weapons aimed at him. I was thrown onto a large mans shoulder as the people begun to chant, it started quiet, then got louder and louder.

"hi'itsamsiyu! hi'itsamsiyu! hi'itsamsiyu!" they yelled at the top of their lungs. I laughed at their antics as I held the winning spear above my head. They only got louder at my action, some of them let out war cries. For the first time since we left home I allowed myself to enjoy this moment. I knew most of my time would be spent here, where people respected my talents. Even though he lost, Skakoan held his spear in the air and chanted along with the crowd. I looked over to the Olo'ekytan and he smiled, nodding along with his people. I was set down as a wave of tall men surrounded me.

"I wanna duel her next! back off!"

"Tonowari!" one of them complained as the chief gently led me back to the side of the stone slab. They deflated sadly as they got back to their normal training partners. The clashes of spears soon again erupted from the area as Tonowari turned to look at me once again.

"Your fighting is impressive, I may get you to teach Aonung you're style." My smile soured at the mention of his eldest son. He noticed my change in expression as he continued.

"My son is not as bad as he seems. He cannot accept change, and that holds him back. He may be rash, he may be mean, but he will change. Keep an open mind"

I nodded my head along with his words, Tonowari was a wise man, I could only hope he was correct.

"Ronal would like to officially meet you tonight, after dinner. You are welcome to enter our marui. However, before then, your time is free. I must teach your father how to ride a Tsurak, you may choose to battle until dinner if you wish." He smiled making his way down to the beach. Skakoan sharpened his blade as I approached him. He seemed friendly once you had gained his respect. He smiled up at me.

"Anything I can do for you hi'itsamsiyu" He asked. I nodded and smiled back.

"Could you teach me to fight like the Metkayina? The Omaticaya way can only go so far when surrounded by water." I asked. I hadn't really expected much to happen, but he stood up and called a few friends over.

"hi'itsamsiyu want's to learn the way of Metkayina! It is our job to teach!" He said excitedly. They smiled and gathered a few weapons. The warriors where more welcoming than I could've imagined. They each took their time to show me how the weapons work as well as which movements give the most explosive power.

"See, you need to use you're hips, legs, and torso, it gives momentum and adds to the power of the arm" One of his friends said showing the form without actually throwing the spear in his hand. I did the same, however I let go. I felt a lot more power as I threw this time.

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