06|| Delivery

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The floor is hard against my skin and bones as I shift, waking up to a beaming light shining in my eyes. I turn into a hard surface, hitting my head against it. I lean back, rubbing my forehead as I realise a finned arm is securely placed on my side. I struggle out of his grip as his hand doesn't budge. I huff a piece of air off of my forehead as Aonung sleeps like the dead.

I felt bad thinking about it, but it felt worse once I had done it. I plunged my elbow into his stomach as he jolted awake and turned away from me.

"What in the Eywa!" He groaned grasping his stomach with the hand that was once on me. I rolled out from under him, going too far as I felt my body become encased with water. I seemed to have forgotten were we where as I swam back to the surface tiredly. He stared like a gaping fish as I tiredly rose to the surface.

"C'mon fish boy, lets get out of here" I say offering him a hand to stand. He takes it although he does most the work.

"I have to do my Tsahìk training this morning" I complained leaning into him.

"You sound like a baby" He chastised, rolling his blue eyes and moving quickly so I'm forced to stand on my own. He climbed up various rocks, helping me do so as well. In no time we had reached the entrance. We went one at a time and turned our bodies, narrowly sidestepping through the small gap. 

As we exited and strolled down to the Ilu's who stayed near the shore we realised the chaos on the water. Tsurak's and warriors canvased the ocean. Aonung quickly set me on my Ilu before seating himself on his own.

"What's happening?" I ask myself, leaning forward and scanning the area. We slowly glide along the surface of the water, sticking close to one another. I spot Skakoan on the water as our eyes lock onto one another. 

"hi'itsamsiyu!" He yells, dashing towards us. 

"Skakoan what's going on?" I ask, furrowing my brows.

"Haven't you heard? The search party's for the both of you. You never returned to your marui's last night." He exclaimed.

"Oh" Aonung and I quietly mumbled at the same time.

"Come with me" Skakoan said, waving his arms. He sped ahead as we kept our distance. Aonung slid his ilu directly next to mine.

"Are we going to lie or something?" He questions.

"What about? Are you worried I'll tell everyone your a cuddler?" I joked as he splashed a bit of water onto my shoulder.

"Sleeping close is the Metkayina way, I'd be more embarrassed if you said we slept separately" He huffed. Focusing ahead of us. 

"What is there to lie about. We explored a cave, you taught me how to breath, the lights went out, and we couldn't find our way back." I shrug.

"I guess you're right..."  

"Aonung!" I hear Tonowari yell, his whole family stood along the shore. I search around and feel slightly disheartened as I see not one family member waiting for me. The feeling is short lived as Tsireya tackles me off of my ilu. 

"A'nityra!" She yelps as we resurface.

"Thank great mother you're both okay!" She sighs in relief as her arms wrap around my body in a hug. I snake my thinner arms around her lightly as she squeezes tightly before letting go and holding me at arms length. She searches my body for any wounds before she joins her parents hugging her brother. 

Ronal's slightly protruding stomach stops them from being as close as can be as I stare awkwardly. She beckons me to join the group embrace but I wave my hands.

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