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A'nityra POV:

Aonung waded through the water, reaching the shore quickly before ushering away. I deflated at the thought of being together once more just to be ripped apart once again in a couple of hours. I was still slightly shaken on his outburst about children, but that didn't stop me as I followed him moments after, only to be dragged away by Tsireya.

"Isn't this exciting!" She exclaims, shaking my arm with delight. I softly smile at her actions when a sudden thought struck me in the head. I reach down into the small satchel on my hip and pull out a sheath and carefully carved knife. Reya jumps back a bit at my sudden draw of a weapon, but I place the sheathed knife in her frozen hands.

"This is for Aonung, he celebrated his birthday when I was away." I said, wrapping her fingers around the weapon in it's protective case. She sighs in relief as she holds onto it tightly, making sure that the gift isn't harmed.

"Can you give it to him?" I ask politely, she nods her head, quickly racing off to her family marui. I peek in the direction and see Tsireya slapping Aonung's head away from the entrance as he tried to look at me one last time.

I don't watch the interaction any longer as I make my way to my family's home, a place I hadn't step foot in for a long while. I suddenly fell nervous to enter, Kiri was angered for such a futile reason, yet she was too stubborn to admit that she was hung up on it for too long. And my Father...he was a different story entirely.

I knocked on the entrance frame as Mum ushered me in, Jake was tense, barely moving a muscle, Kiri the same. Tuk ran up and hugged my legs, tightly holding her hands in my own as she lead me to the floor, I smiled as she talked my entire ear off, using adorable expressions and using melodramatic hand gestures.

My eyebrows furrowed as Kiri whispered in her ear and lead her away. The simple gesture once again made me feel like a stranger in what was supposed to be my home. Neteyam noticed my sudden mood change and rubbed a soothing hand along my shoulder. Lo'ak sat across from me this time.

"How are you and Tsireya?" I kindly ask, his face becomes flushed as he stammers on his words.

"Y-you know, all kinds of good." He replies, having a sudden fascination with the roof.

"Well, that's nice to hear" I smile. The conversation comes to an end as Mum screams out to tell us dinner is ready. Tuk hands me a plate.

"She can get it herself Tuk, she chooses to be independent so she can get up and walk to get it herself" Jake's annoyed voice rings. Mum sighs as I reach forward and grab the plate from my little sister. She stands still, unsure what to do, who to listen to. I feel a vein pop in my head as I frustratedly begin to eat. He does nothing but whisper about me to mother and Kiri the entire time. I try my very best to keep my mouth shut, I grip my plate by the sides, making my knuckles turn almost white in pent up rage. The plate snaps in my hands as I stand up at his last comment.

"Why is she even here? It was better when she was gone" He grumbles to Kiri.

"What's wrong with you?!" I scream at him. He seems slightly shocked at my outburst, before he can get another word in I start to yell at him in ways I had only dreamed of.

"I come back after four months! Four fucking difficult months! And all you can do is insult my behaviour and ridicule my place in this family! I put my neck on the line for this family! For fucks sake I raised half of this family! All for you to treat it like some stupid military squad! I am so done with trying to live up to your expectations, no matter how hard I try, scratch that, no matter how hard anyone tries, its not enough for you and your human expectations!"

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