19|| A Brother

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3 weeks later...

After the demon's attack the clan had gone back to normal almost instantly. The line for official markings had started after the brave souls fought against the sky people. Many funerals occurred, many tears shed. 

My family had gotten closer than ever, the experience having an effect on us. Dad had seemed distanced, like he had something troublesome on his mind. I had seen him approach Tonowari as I was weaving Aonung another piece for his warriors vest. I dropped the material and hid behind the hut, making sure to keep my steps light enough so they couldn't hear. Before I could tune into their conversation I'm twirled into someone's arms. 

"What are you doing?" Aonung asks with a smirk. I smile, adjusting his chest piece.

"It doesn't matter now" I tell him. Patting his chest once I finish tinkering some of his clothes.

"Well, I just came to to tell you that my mother has fallen into labour" He informs, leaning down with closed eyes to kiss my lips. His mouth is met with nothing but air as his eyes snap open. All he can see is me running around the hut at breakneck speed, my hair flipping harshly at the wind.

He sighs at my actions and slowly begins to follow my lead.

"Ronal!" I yell out into her hut, searching the area. I spot her in the corner, clutching her mate's hand tightly, she lets out a soft groan as I kneel down next to her. I begin to check her stages of labour as she stops my wrist, holding it tightly. 

"A'nityra, I would rather you be my support than my deliverer, Tonowari's mother has always delivered my children, it's tradition that the Tsahìk before you does i- " She barely mutters out the last word as her hand only tightens around my wrist. Her head flies back as she takes deep breaths and shuts her eyes intensely. 

I move her hand to mine and sit beside her. 

"Would you like me to stay or go?" I say, if she didn't want me here I would completely understand.

"Stay until I go to the water" She whispers as she groans once again, her whole body tensing. An older woman dramatically entered the marui as she got to work, not sparing me a single glance, her face scrunched in concentration as she moved around us, she seemed annoyed at my presence and constantly grumbled as I got in the way. I tried to move in the other direction to make it easier for the woman but she only slapped my leg in the opposite direction. Hissing slightly, Tonowari noticed my discomfort as he noticed his mothers treatment. She shoved me to the ground as I once again got in her way.

"Mother maybe-"

"Hush my son!" She sneered, he immediately silenced, giving me an apologetic look. 

"You need to leave forest child, the likes of you do not belong here." She scowled at me, showing her canines. I froze for a moment, quickly plucking Ronal's hand off of mine and promptly leaving. She was in too much agony to protest as I left the marui. 

I just wanted to go home, I thought Aonung's grandmother would be nice, kind and welcoming, I guess I thought wrong. 

Aonung's was pacing across our home with big steps. Once he saw me a large smile graced his face. 

"Is the baby born yet?" He asked excitingly, of course, he wasn't smiling because of me, it was about his soon to be sibling. 

"No, Tonowari's mother is delivering the baby" I say, my voice beginning to croak as I pulled myself together. 

"Did you meet my grandmother? She's awesome isn't she! She's the nicest lady you'll ever meet" He says, his excitement distracting him from seeing how I was on the verge of tears.

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