18|| The Final Battle

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As the ship continued to move forward I stayed silent, not wanting to provoke the soldiers. I sat with my knees to my chest, protecting my stomach as I pretended to look bored, resting my cheek on the bottom of the rail. 

The leader and the human had gone down onto another boat, claiming that they saw one of the tulkun. I could only imagine what they would do. 

A harsh arm grabbed my bicep, pulling me to stand.

"Do you know them?!" One screeched into my ear, their hand pointed ahead and I barely saw a group of people tugging at the side of a tulkun, not any tulkun, Payakan. I remained calm and collected on the outside, but all I wanted to do was scream and shout at them to leave. 

"I'm actually partially blind, I can see the blobs but not their faces-" I lie, it mustn't've of been convincing as my head turned harshly at the sting of my cheek. His hand grabbed me by the hair, nearly ripping it out of my scalp as he pressed my neck to the rail, staring at the people. 

"Now little girl. Do. You. Know. Them." He bared his fangs, his saliva thrown on my face. Before he can continue his interrogation he's called over by another soldier. I relax into the floor as I continue looking ahead. Everyone was there, even little Tuk. I prayed to Eywa in that moment everyone would be okay, silently whispering words and closing my eyes before opening them again. 

They pulled out a red device as they all scrammed. Diving in quickly before partnering up and dispersing. Lights gleamed under the water, searching for them as machines scoured the waters. I watched in anticipation, hoping that the machines would come out empty handed. 

My hope was soon crushed as another net rose from the demon ship. Tsireya and Tuk where caught in the net while Lo'ak's dagger tried to pierce the rope helping them escape, but it was too late. They where dropped onto the ship's deck as they stood their stances, Lo'ak held a dagger, narrowly slicing a soldiers arm before he was forced onto the rail.

Tuk bit a guard as she was harshly shoved onto next to Lo'ak. Tsireya put up less of a fight, not wanting to cause trouble yet defiant enough to show them she was prepared. The same orange cuffs where forced onto their wrists as they where pinned down to the metal. Lo'ak mumbled under his breath before he turned his head in annoyance, his eyes widened at the sight of me.

"A'nityra?!" He shouts. I shush him quickly and stare annoyed. Tuk's eyes gleam at the sight of me, she tries to get to me but is harshly tugged back by the cuffs.

"What are you doing here, we thought you where at home?" He whispers.

"I've been here longer than you skxawng!" I scold him quietly. An all too familiar human boy jumps down from the ship.

"Spider?" We all chorus, looking at the boy. Quaritch has him detained in an instance, pulling him back into the ship.

 Lo'ak's about to argue before Quaritch snatches his device out of his neck and ear. Jus as he's about to talk we see an army of Metkayina hunters along with our parents. I sigh in relief, knowing we where going to be saved. They talk with one another as I stay focused on trying to find my mother.

"What are you doing Dad..." I murmur as he starts to ascend towards us without any back up. The ship shakes as Payakan burst's from the water, making those standing fall or get thrown, Quaritch had left to attack as we where left alone once again.

My ears deafened at the sound of gunfire towards the tulkun. An Ilu jumped out of the water, Neteyam on it as he rushed to use his knife to cut us free. Tuk cutely shouted his name in relief as he began to cut the orange cuffs. 

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