16|| Family Visitation

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My father drops my head from his hands as it hits the stone harshly, I grunt at the sudden impact, more focused on Aonung's reaction. He keeps his hand on my stomach as he burns his blue eyes into the yellow of mine.

"There is no baby without you A'nityra" He said quietly. My heart skips a beat over his words, even in a moment of crisis. 

My family had still gone into a state of shock, obviously shown by my head slightly throbbing after hitting the stone beneath me. Ronal finally moves to my shoulder as she pokes and prods the area. I flinch and jolt sideways at the lack of pain medication, my flesh being attacked by my mother in law.

I tried to tug my hand away from Tuk, I didn't want to hurt her small hands by squeezing too hard. She didn't budge, only wrapping her legs around my bicep to keep herself by my side.

Aonung held one palm to my stomach, the other holding my hand as I gripped on tightly. Ronal begin to weave thread between the wound, tightly closing the area. She tightly secured a special type of seaweed along the wound, preventing any chance of blood escaping. 

Blood rushed to my head as it began to flow properly once again. I began to feel dizzy, my vision blurring into seeing double then changing back to normal. Ronal must've noticed my eye's moving incorrectly as she clapped her hands above my face. My head shook slightly, reverting my vision back to normal. I tried to sit up but was softly pushed back down by my mate. His arms circled around me as he picked my body off of the ground. He maneuvered my body to not stretch any of the now closed injuries.

My mother came forward and gave me a kiss on my cheek, lightly brushing a hand along the side of my face. 

"Get some rest A'nityra, we pray to the great mother that you make a fast recovery" She says, giving me a final peck on the forehead. Aonung takes it as his cue to move, I notice the familiar trek as our marui soon becomes visible. 

"How long have you known?" He looked down at me, trying to make eye contact once again.

"About what?" I tiredly mumble.

"The pregnancy"

"I found out today, when you told me to visit your mother" I tell him. 

"Wait. So you lied to me about what she said. Why didn't you tell me? you know I want a child with you." He asks, slowly stopping in front of our home and tracing the patterns on my thigh.

"I know, I know. I was worried that it was too soon. We're seventeen Aonung." I sigh as he begins to enter. 

"But that is normal here" He contests, placing me down and sitting beside me.

"Well, it's not normal where I come from." I mumble, uncomfortably laying down. He comes to my aid quickly, placing delicate hands along my side and helping me adjust. 

"Sleep, you need to heal" He whispers into my ear before I doze off.

Aonung POV: 

The soft rise and fall of her chest tells me she's sleeping peacefully. I graze my hand along her stomach and begin to rub circles. There was a baby in there, our child, something we both made together, the result of the day we mated.

A huge smile makes it's way onto my face, in nine months we would have a child in our arms. If the vision Eywa showed her was true we both knew she was pregnant with our eldest son. I knew it was early as I began to riddle my head with possible name suggestions. I feel the need to pump my fist in the air, scream, jump around, anything to let out my excitement, but I prevent myself from doing so.

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