03|| Healing and Ilu's

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I awoke to the sound of Kiri groaning in dismay. The sun had only just made it's appearance as she untangled herself from the pile of limbs around us. My eyes watched her as she slowly got up and walked to the dock. Her feet dipped into the water as she slumped. I followed her pursuit as I moved Tuk's head from my shoulder, and Neteyam's wrist from my stomach. They mumbled in their sleep as they settled once again. The dock creaked slightly as I lowered myself to sit next to her.

"What's wrong tsmuke?" I asked. Her head dropped to my shoulder, hair brushed my neck as I reached a hand up and caressed the side of her face.

"I miss the forest...I miss grandmother, and I miss you." She heaved.

"What do you mean you miss me?" I said, slightly looking down at her.

"Well, you have Tsahìk training, you'll see us less and less. Then you'll have to marry, which will take time" I nodded along at her words, she was right, the only moment's I would see my family would be early mornings, and nights.

"It's the price I have to pay to keep you safe" I say. Her brows furrow and she sits straight, removing her head from the crook of my neck.

"But you shouldn't have to! You would have been the mighty Tsahìk of our people!, a great leader, a mateless leader, just like you wanted." She argued. She was too young to understand, all I could do is try my best to make her understand.

"Ma Kiri...It's not all about me-"

"Be selfish for once A'nityra!" She huffed, she was on the brink of yelling as she abruptly stood and dove into the water. A water mount swam to her and she dove out of sight. My heart twisted, we had never gotten into a disagreement like this, it was always about stupid things, like which colour looked better, or if we should go on an Ikran ride at night. I closed my eyes, remembering that she didn't know any better. I let out a final breath of air as I stood. I grabbed the container of herbs and pastes as I exited our marui. Mother and father still slept peacefully with three of their children. I gave them one final look before I turned the other way.

Ronal had been waiting along the beach various pastes and containers spread out around her.

"A'nityra" She nodded.

"Ronal" I returned the favour, sitting next to her.

"The warriors are up ahead, injuries can be anywhere between a simple graze and an unconscious body, you have to be prepared. They hunted Akula today." I hummed in agreement. In the near distance warriors sitting atop mounts flew towards us. Many men and women had suffered an injury, thankfully most where minor.

I felt overwhelmed as bodies where rushed towards us with great speed. It was bustling chaos as the uninjured dragged a humongous animal onto shore. I quickly sprung into action, I treated those with minor injuries as Ronal did those with more serious wounds. She barked orders that I followed. Pastes where thrown between us as I continued to smear them on warriors. I moved between ten soldiers as Ronal did the same. After my job was done I went to assist her. No one was unconscious, however a large gash spread across one mans stomach. Ronal began to mutter as I carefully disinfected around the wound. Allowing her to work quickly. I stepped back after I had done all I can. The man howled in pain scrunching his nose in agony, I could do nothing but watch as he was slowly treated.

I turned my head to see Tonowari heaving the beast with three other men. I went to aid him quickly. Rope wrapped around the akula as he tugged, dragging it, I joined quickly. We all leaned back using our body to tug the beast out of the water. My teeth clenched in focus, I had barely noticed that Aonung had joined, pulling on the other side of his father. My stomach clenched, using all of my muscles, and with one final pull the creature sprang from the water and onto the sand. The warriors cheered in victory as they tiredly wiped the sweat off of their foreheads.

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