011|| The Last Night

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A'nityra POV:

Aonung held my hand tightly within his, it felt unreal to be holding his hand again. My mind was still in a small state of shock, wondering if it where all true, but I take once glimpse at him and I realise I'm not dreaming. 

We walked out of the clearing and immediately the sound of the ear scraping horn played. My ears folded against my neck as I sneered at the noise. People waited in anticipation for our arrival, cheering and letting out excited war cries as we emerged. Our families waited for us, well Aonung's and most of mine. Jake and Kiri where missing from the bunch as Neteyam and Lo'ak bulldozed over people, practically trampling on them as they knocked me to the ground. 

They laid over my body carelessly, excited to see me once again. I saw Tuk cutely running towards us with her arms open, she jumped onto the pile, her cheek mushing into mine as Mum laughed from the distance. 

Neteyam had gotten off of me, giving Tuk room as he poked at the scar tissue on my thigh. The last time he had seen me, he was holding my leg down as I basically screamed to let the wound kill me. It must've struck worry in him.

"Are you guys going to stay here all day?" I joke towards Lo'ak who springs up as soon as he sees Tsireya, embarrassed to miss his sister. I carry Tuk on my hip as I walk towards my mother, we hadn't seen one another since the awkward moment in the marui.

"I see you A'nityra" She smiles, dragging her hand down from her forehead.

"I see you too mother" I say repeating her action. She smiles, showing all of her teeth as she embraces me in the hug. Tuk whines as she gets stuck in the middle, trying to shuffle her body to get any sort of room. I separate from my mother as I notice Ronal holding an embarrassed Aonung cheeks, kissing both of them quickly as his face smushes cutely. 

He had grown even more handsome than the last time I had seen him. His shoulders where broader, well built. He had a defined chest that mimicked his stomach. His hair had grown longer and I couldn't wait to braid a piece of it. 

He must have felt someone staring at him as his eyes locked onto mine, I giggle slightly as his mother hadn't let go of his face. He blushes and turns the other way, his attempt was futile as I saw the pinkness at the tips of his ears. Just as I'm about to say something I hear a familiar call. My eyes widen as I gently place Tuk down. I run past Aonung and his family as I jump onto a dark coloured Ilu. 

"Squirt!" I shriek as he rolls us both under. I resurface laughing as I pet him all over. He had left a few days after I had started my training, having only Tsurak's around he was beginning to feel lonely so I told him to go back to his brothers and sisters. I rest my forehead along squirt's, quickly taking it off as I hear the banging of drums. A hand leads me back to the sand as I'm shoved into Aonung. His arms instinctively wrap around my body, keeping me from falling as more banging noises continue. Once the family greetings where over, the formalities where to begin. 

"Today and tomorrow we celebrate the final steps of the next Tsahìk and Olo'ekytan! They will spend one final night away from one another before they are bonded forever the next! This eclipse we will dance and sing, and tomorrow we will prepare!" Ronal shouts. The crowd goes into an uproar as I stand nervously next to Aonung. The festivities begin as music starts to play, children take it as their cue to run wild away from their parents as they do. 

We stand still as the scene before us starts to unfold, basking in one another's presence. I suddenly hear a rumble in his throat as I look up at him frowning.

"I still don't like that they will have kids. His hands are drifting too low." He growls, breaking our comfortable silence. I sigh at his reaction of Lo'ak and Tsireya's relationship, placing a hand between his pecks, stopping him from advancing.

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