08|| Ma Eywa

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My eyes snapped open as I felt a hand tap my shoulder, my eyes search the room until they focus on Ronal, who crouches next to us, trying to wake me for Tsahìk training. I look at her with tired eyes as I slowly nod and begin to shift upright. As soon as I'm half sitting I'm harshly pulled back into Aonung's embrace. His arms tighten around me as his leg flings over my body, keeping me still. I struggle in his grip as I look back at Ronal.

"I can't get out!" I huff, pushing on his arms to try and loosen them. They only tighten once more, if this kept happening my blood supply would be cut off. Ronal sits in a squat like position as she grasps my biceps. 

She leans back, pulling with all of her might, her jaw clenched. She lets go and quickly calls for Tonowari, who had only just finished putting his warriors vest on. 

"Pull her by the arms as I pull his" She says. Tonowari doesn't argue as he affirmingly nods. His arms replace where his wife's once where as she begins the countdown.

"One...two...and three!" She whisper shouts, trying to pry his grip off of me while Tonowari tugs. After a couple minutes of tug of war with their son they begin to start winning. His arms loosen for a split second as I'm harshly pulled to the floor. Aonung's eyes furrow as he lazily pats around him, searching for the warmth of my body. I quickly stand and tell them my thanks as Ronal leads me outside. 

"Today we will be visiting the cove of ancestors, and our spirit tree." She softly smiles. Letting the Ilu call flow through her throat. 

It's no surprise that the dark coloured Ilu I had always ridden appeared as he swum around me in circles. I pet his head affectionately as I awkwardly clamber onto his saddle, silently hating that I had gotten used to Aonung placing me on it. It takes a couple seconds before it registers in my head what I'm supposed to do. Ronal stares confused at my hesitation, as she already sat confidently on her Ilu.

"Sorry, Aonung usually picks me up and puts me on the saddle" I say, explaining my quick confusion. She holds a hand up to her mouth to hide her smile as she turns away.

"What is it? Is it bad he does that?" I ask worried. She slowly shakes her head side to side. 

"You may not realise it but it's a sign of affection. It means you're being courted" She responds. I blush, knowing the small repetitive action isn't to be gentlemanly, but to show others that I was spoken for.

"Don't fret, Tonowari still does it sometimes, even after we mated and had children" She affirms.

"And how would I convey the message back to him?" I ask shyly, turning my head away from her.

"Well, after you're seated he'll hold his palm out for a couple of seconds, if you want to return the gesture you connect your palms and tap his wrist twice." She responds casually. I mimic the movement with my own hands and try it, attempting to become familiar with the motion.

"Is it bad that he likes close contact, Is it a Metkayina thing?" I ask warily as we begin to glide through the water.

"In our culture we show our emotions with physical contact. If he's touching you a lot it just means he likes you. If he likes close proximity he want's to feel your heart without putting his head on your chest. Listening to one another's heartbeat is a very intimate moment shared between mated couples, he's most likely too scared to ask you" She explains. I let out a soft 'oh' as my heart begins to pulse rather quickly. 

My face absolutely explodes red as I remember last night, when I held my ear against his chest and listened carefully to the rhythmic beats of his heart. I shakily breath in and out, trying to calm myself as we glide.

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