13|| A New Home

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Aonung woke up alongside me, our connected queue's telling us that the other was waking up. We where bare of any clothes, thrown around carelessly on the floor.

His hand ran along the entirety of my thigh, to the highest and lowest points. I sighed happily, pressing my body further into his. 

"Ma A'nityra...we have to go home" He mumbles into my hair. I tighten my arms around him, silently telling Aonung I didn't want to leave his grasp.

He lowly chuckled at my actions, his gruff morning voice sending shivers down my spine.

"Just five more minutes" I whispered desperately, clinging onto his body. He did as I said as he slowly reached behind me and held my clothes in his large hands. As I held onto him he slowly began to dress me. He peppered kisses along my neck and head as he slid the straps to my top over my shoulders. 

I sucked in a bit of air as his fingers grazed the soreness between my legs, gently covering it with cloth and tying it. He was being attentive and kind but all I could think of was his relentless pursuit last night. His arms retreated off of me for a second, only to return once he slipped on his loin cloth. I whined like a child as he separated our bodies, loosing all of our closeness. 

He slipped on his vest and forehead piece as he did the same for me. I was beyond tired, my eyes on the verge of closing once again. My brain fuzzed as I yawned, stretching out my arms as I harshly rubbed the tiredness out of my eyes. He holds my outstretched arms and tugs me upwards. I immediately fall into his chest, leaning all of my weight on him.

"Is my mate tired?" He teased. I reached my arm up slowly and softly slapped the side of his head. He disconnected our braids as he lifted my body and slowly dipped me into the water.

"I can't hold my breath this early in the morning" I said, yawning once more.

He slides his body next to mine and slithers a sturdy arm around me.

"Deep breaths A'nityra, I'll swim us out" He reassures. I follow his breathing as he dips us under. He swims swiftly through the caves, his tail being used as a fin. The coolness of the water wakes me up more than I like to admit as we resurface. Squirt swims up to me excitedly as he tumbles around. I giggle at his actions as Aonung mount's him, holding out his arm for me. 

He drags me through the water until I sit firmly flush against him. We dip under and his hand comfortably rests on my upper thigh. Squirt speeds through the rocks underwater, quickly making his way to the shore. 

It was early in the morning, the sun only just making it's appearance, no one was awake except for the warriors, and people with an exception.

"I told you it was too early" I grumble into his shoulders. He pats my thigh a couple times.

"Wouldn't you rather do the mating tattoos alone than with a crowd?" He asks, fully knowing that I would prefer to do it alone with his parents, than in front of the whole clan.

Once we reach the sand he gets off first. Offering me his hand once more as he guides me off of the creature. I stroke an affectionate hand on Squirts head as he rolls.

"That's a good boy!" I compliment as he does the same trick again.

In the distance we see Ronal and Tonowari as they talk to builders, quickly finishing the conversation as her eyes lock with mine. She whispers something in Tonowari's ear before he ushers off and she starts to head our way. 

Once she's within arms distance she smushes Aonung's cheeks and forces him to lean down as she kisses his forehead. I smile at his expression as he rubs his face after she lets go.

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