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A'nityra POV:

"Te'eylo! Get back here!" I yell, chasing around one of our sons. I can hear Aonung laughing on the floor as he holds our month old daughter. 

"No Mama! I don't want to visit Grandma! She always cuddles me for too long!" He protests, slipping out of my grasp once again. He was referring to my mother, she adored the children and always made them snuggle with her at night to tell them stories of the 'Great Toruk Makto'. 

"Maybe we should just see grandma, Uncle Teyam is going to be there!" My oldest interjects from my side, it had been ten years since my last pregnancy, he wasn't a baby in my stomach anymore.


"Thanks for trying" I whisper, patting him on the back before I chase the boy once again. I manage to scoop him in my arms, holding him close as he tried to wiggle out. 

"Aunty Reya is going to be there" I say, trying to convince him, he flops in my arms as his twin brother comes into view. He was a little surprise that Eywa had kept from me, twins where exceedingly rare with the na'vi, but with my father being one I suppose there was a genetic component.

"Te'eylo you look like an idiot" He says calmly, sighing before he stands next to Aonung. They both begin to banter as we walk out of our marui. 

"Well you look like an idiot!"

"We look the same skxawng!"

I gasp, looking at them shocked.

"Who taught you that word!?" I exclaim.

"Uncle Lo'ak" They both say at the same time, shrugging their shoulders before they run ahead of us and into my parent's marui. I rest my head in my palm as my mate wraps an arm around me, he pulls me tightly to his side. My head naturally rests on his shoulder as he kisses the crown of my head. 

I had been beyond tired with the baby waking up at absurd times for food, even as early as before sunset. Of course, Aonung slept like the dead, there was no use waking him up, so he did all of the cooking for us.

"I have a special place to take you once we drop them off" He whispers into my ear. I hum approvingly at his words as I rub my eyes open. I coo at the baby in his arms, our first daughter, and presumably our last. Aonung and I decided that after four children we would stop, but I found it so hard to not want more when our kids looked as cute as Imalu. Her large baby eyes stared at me, one gold like the sun, the other as blue as the ocean. She smiled at my face as I stuck my tongue out and tilted my head.

"Daddy!" We heard from the distance. We both looked at each other and playfully rolled our eyes, walking inside the hut. Tuk was scoffing at Kiri pulled too much of her hair, she had become a beautiful young woman, a woman in which a certain Metkayina boy had his eyes set on. I looked to the left and surely I saw the boy, who waved at her and soon tripped into the sand. She giggled before turning away to face Neteyam, The boys where all thrown upon him, all the boys except for the little troublemaker. He was siting next to Tsireya as she held her second child with Lo'ak, two girls.

He especially liked little Tsarya, always playing with his cousin. My mother stared at the situation, a bright smile on her face as she stood and walked towards us. She scooped up her youngest grandchild from my husbands arms as he ushered us out, scared I might change my mind and stay.

I already missed the feeling of not having my children by my side as he pulled me along. I chuckled at his antics.

"Aonung where are we going?" I ask.

"You'll know once we get there."

He was extremely vague as he pulled me onto an Ilu. 

"Aonung I don't think squirt can carry the both of us" I laugh, we where both twenty-seven, there was no way one ilu could hold the both of us.   

He called another as he quickly placed me onto the Ilu's saddle, I placed my palm in his extended one as I tapped his wrist a few times, showing him that the action hadn't gone unnoticed.

He ties a cloth around my eyes as I cross my arms over my chest.

"Aonung, this is what I call a kidnapping" I joke as he huffs out.

"Let me romantic for a second will you?" He complains as I laugh, tipping my head back. I tell the ilu to follow his as we soon reach the shore once more. I'm pulled into a tight space as I feel walls surrounding us. I'm swept off of my feet as I yell out, surprised that he would do such a thing. 

He places me down into a shallow part of water as he slowly takes of the blindfold that had taken away my sight. I gasped, holding my hands to my heart in awe. He had taken us to our special place. We hadn't had the time to visit in years, especially with being the Tsahìk and Olo'ekytan.

"Oh, Ma'aonung..." I murmur dreamily, looking around the cave where we reconciled all those years ago, the cave where we first spend a night together, the cave when I knew I everything would work out. 

The walls glow along our faces as they taint pink. The light captures my husbands loving gaze as he leans down and captures my lips. All these years we had never grown apart, even after having children and our duties. 

I wrap my arms around his neck as he taps my thigh. I jump up, wrapping my legs around his built torso as he leans me against a wall. His hands graze along my sides as he deepens the kiss, pulling his lips down my neck.

We engulfed one another with love for what felt like days, basking into one another as we held our bodies together for hours. 

Words: 1100

Thank you for deciding to read this book! It means a lot to me that some people chose to stick around and read to the end. Thanks for all of the comments, all of them made me laugh a lot! Especially the ones about Aonung's grandma:)

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