09|| Away from him

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His ear stayed pressed against my sternum, his hands gripping my sides like they where his only lifeline. 

It was strange seeing him looking this vulnerable, eyes closed, eyelashes resting on his cheeks. His face relaxed as the smallest smile graced his face. I wondered if this was the moment to tell him about the vision Eywa had shown be, but I didn't want to ruin his peace. I lazily stroked at his hair, the parts that fell loose under his bun, they curled around my finger as I fiddled with the ends. 

"What's wrong?" He demanded, taking his head off of my chest annoyedly. I huffed, trying to put his head back. But he resisted, moving closer so we where chest to chest. Our faces inches from one another.

"Tell me A'nityra, you don't get to wiggle yourself out of it." He says. I notice the frustrated creases on his forehead and ran a hand over them, smoothing them back to normal. He slightly relaxes at my touch but his face stays the same. I contemplate telling him, wondering if it would do any good. I take one look at his face and realise he isn't going to give up now that I've shown him something was disturbing me.

"It was just what I saw when I connected with the spirit tree" I sigh, avoiding his gaze. He didn't have to be a genius to figure out that I was hesitant to tell him.

"What did you see?" He asks softly. I turn my head the other way, slight embarrassed to tell him.

"I...I saw our future"

"And what was it like? What was in it?" He pried.  Why does he have to be so curious?

"There where children, our children. And you looked different, covered in tattoos. You still had this though" I tell him, turning only to stare directly at his chest, I fiddle with the tooth necklace, running a finger atop the smooth bone. 

"And the children?"

"What about them?" I say, confused. 

"What where they like?" He whispered, as if he seemed like less of a man asking about his sons. 

"They looked strange" I lightly laughed. "But cute"

"We have more than one?" He asks, slightly hopeful.

"Mhm, two sons and a baby on the way" His ears twitch at my statement. His large hands grip my hips, trying to ground himself with all of the new information.

"Anything else?" He asks, looking like he hoped for something else.

"They had cousins, so I can only assume that Lo'ak and Reya have children"

A scowl rests on his face. 

"My sister's never seeing Lo'ak again." He growls, tightening his hold. I chuckle at his antics. I try to distract him, talking more about our future sons.

"Our children where beautiful. They had my tail with small fins on it, their arms like yours. The eldest had your eyes. And their skin....oh Aonung it was like nothing I had seen before, and their smiles! They could light up the darkest of caves" I exclaim, getting lost in the vision of the two boys. My distraction worked as his hand slid into mine. 

" I think that future will come very quickly" I mumble. He raises a brow in confusion. 

"Your mother said that as soon as we finish the rite of passage we will start our mating process. And by the sounds  of it, it will be soon." I say putting both my hands along one of his. 

"Does that make you sad?" He asks warily. 

"I'm not sad, I'm just nervous" I sigh fiddling with his fingers. A knock on the door startles us as he moves in front of me, hiding me from the intruder. 

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