10|| The Final Stretch

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I let out a war cry that flows through the air as I pounce to the surface, cheering in glee as I finally ride the tsurak without falling off. The animal huffs at their defeat while we reach the shore. Ronal's lips tug upwards in a smile mimicking my own, Reya clapping behind her. 

"You did it A'nityra" Ronal confirms as I slide off the beast and make my way towards her. She walks inside and quickly returns with the container of things Reya and I where forbidden to touch. We shake slightly in anticipation, wondering what was inside as she pulls out a strange object. She forces the palm of her hand to my shoulder as I'm compelled to drop onto one knee.

"For completing the rite of passage into adulthood!" She bellows, I realise what was in her hand as she gently takes of my headpiece and places on a new one, that was larger and had a light blue shell strewn across my forehead. She was bestowing the role of the Tsahìk down to me. 

"Rise. Now it is time for your first tattoo" She says, pulling out inks and a needle. I stand up and observe as she manoeuvres around. Four months on the other side of the island had really changed us, Tsireya and Ronal often went back to Tonowari and Lo'ak, however I was forced to stay. We had all grown closer, however I still anticipated seeing a certain someone on the other side...

The first time the needle struck was the most painful. Tsireya flinched as she saw my nose scrunch. According to Ronal the will of Eywa had told her that the tattoo must be on my face, so that was where the needle was poking and prodding. The sharp instrument struck my forehead repeatedly and ran down to my nose. 

The ink spread across my entire forehead and stopped at the base of my ear. She continued her work as the sun shone on my head, giving her the perfect amount of light. I let out a breath of relief as she put down the needle and began to massage a paste in, removing all redness and swelling. I slowly placed the shell back onto my forehead and flinched as it touched the skin. Although the look of it appeared normal it was tender to the touch.

I turned to face Reya for the first time since we started. She gasped and moved closer, inspecting the tattoo. Her eyes widened at the unique patterns and shapes as she stared longingly.

"Oh A'nityra, it's gorgeous" She says, softly smiling. 

"I must sound the horn for Tonowari" Ronal tells us before she reaches back inside the container and pulls out a medium sized instrument. She takes a few deep breaths before blowing with all her might. An irritating sound comes out as she prolongs it as long as possible. My ears press against my neck as a scowl etches its way onto my face.

She turns my way and leads me to the container, she picks up a piece of brown cloth as she turns to me. 

"This is the final test the future Tsahìk and the Olo'ekytan have to complete to fulfil their roles and mate." She informs as I nod along.

"As you know we've been on this side of the island for many eclipses. To complete the test the Tsahìk and Olo'ekytan in training must find each other in the forest. Blindfolded. It shows the blind trust you are to give to you're partner, and the determination to carry on without being able to see ahead of you."

While she speaks she circles me and places the cloth onto my eyes, as she finishes she ties the knot securely, tugging on it to make sure it doesn't fall. 

"Once you find my son, only then can you take your blindfold off. We have villagers looking into the forest until you find one another, making sure you do not cheat nor die"

Ronal holds both my hands in hers as she leads me to the starting point, right behind the marui I had stayed in.

Another awful sounding horn blows from the distance as she lightly pushes me forward. 

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