20|| Two Pieces of the Same Broken Shell

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A'nityra POV:

I knew I wouldn't be perfectly fine without him, we where mated before Eywa, we would long for each other until death. But if this is what I had to do, it had to be done, especially if it meant Aonung would get his head out of the clouds. I watched as he wept in the distance, longing to hold him as he cried. I would always remind myself that he was at fault when the feeling persisted.

I was prepared for this to last until the birth of our child, I was prepared to be a mother alone if that's what it took. I would do my Tsahìk duties then return to the forest, hiding in places he could never find me.

I turned away from him, scaling trees and swinging from vines, I felt like myself for the first time in months as I interacted with the nature around me. I spent my alone time weaving a hammock, not wanting to sleep on the floor. It hadn't taken long as the moon disappeared entirely, leaving nothing but the bioluminescence of the night.

I let out a quiet call for Haikili as she swept down, she landed heavily, giving me a meeting screech, I hadn't flown her since we had arrived, and I'm sure she missed tsaheylu. I rubbed a had down her neck, letting my fingers run against her skin, she happily chirped as I connected my braid to her queue.

I swung myself over and told her to fly up. When night fell the only light that was seen where the dots on my skin, the stars, and the light of the torches below us. I resisted the urge to let out tribal calls, not wanting to wake up sleeping children. We twirled and flipped, soaring through the air as I let my spirit flow free. All good things come to an end as I begin to feel tired. We could fly longer another day. I demand that we fly further into the forest as Haikili complies, I swing into my newly hung hammock as her head tries to poke through.

"You can't sleep here" I chuckle, pushing her snout away, she huffs as I see her glide down beneath me, to the forest floor, she curls into a ball, surrounding her body with her wings as I see her eyes close.

I know that if anything where to happen she would wake, and that's everything I needed to know before I finally closed my eyes and slept.

Aonung POV:

I wiped my swollen eyes as I began the trek back to our home, if what she said was true I had really screwed things up. I despised the fact that my wife carrying my child was somewhere in the forest, no home set up, she might even be sleeping on the ground.

I took a deep breath and shoved the leaf like doors of our home, I fell to the ground, next to the closest sleeping mat as I naturally pat the area around me looking for A'nityra. My hands froze motionless as I realised that she wasn't coming home tonight. I stayed up for hours, tossing and turning.

A torch flickering in the distance caught my attention as I slowly rose from the same spot I'd been in for hours. My feet sunk into the sand as I swiped the back of my hand along my forehead.

Two familiar figures where up ahead on the rocks, they both swayed in sync as they watched the water. I stood next to my grandmother as I begin to follow their lead.

"What are you doing here Aonung? It is the early hours of the morning" She says, I take a moment to clear my head, still flowing with my sister and grandma.

"It's nothing"

She hummed as she took the time to observe my body, she noticed the markings on my shoulder as she softly smiled.

"You have mated grandson?" She questions, trying to pry, it was quite obvious I had.

"Yeah..." I mumble, my mood saddening even more.

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