04|| Fights and amends

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Tsireya POV:

Aonung snapped out of the water quickly. A'nityra laid limp in his arms as he looked around, screaming for me. I quickly swam over and brushed the hair off of her face, she was breathing ragged breaths, her chest not rising and falling like it was supposed to.

"We need to get her to mother!" I yell, I began pulling both of them along with me. Aonung kicked his legs and used his tail to propel us. He held a hand under her neck, keeping her head out of water. I made a few clicking sounds with the back of my throat as my Ilu swam beside us.

I made the bond as I held onto the side of the saddle. She pulled us quickly to the shore were we quickly scrambled off. Aonung quickly lifted A'nityra into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist, and letting her body slump against his. We began to run towards our family marui when a hand shoved itself into my brothers shoulder. He stumbled back and almost lost his grip on A'nityra.

"What did you do with my sister fish lips!" Lo'ak yelled. He pushed Aonung once again and the girl in his arms fell into mine. I held her by the shoulders, barely being able to support her bodyweight after she fell.

"She wasn't na'vi enough for you so you drowned her!" He screamed.

"No! We where playing a game" Aonung tried to defend himself. Lo'ak looked disgusted as he stared at him up and down.

"Like she would do anything with you" He scoffed. He threw his fist in Aonung's face as they both fell to the ground, they tossed and turned exchanging punches and kicks as my brother tackled him and stayed above him, pinning him to the ground.

"Lo'ak stop!" I pleaded, his ears twitched at my voice as he looked up at me.

"Aonung please!" I begged. "I can't carry her alone."

Aonung got off of Lo'ak and walked towards me. He picked up A'nityra like before and jogged towards our family Mauri. I followed him, leaving Lo'ak to make sure his sister was ok.

"What do you mean! They're sixteen!" Toruk Makto said surprised, we could hear their conversation outside of our home.

"The age of mating for the Metkayina is fourteen and above, they are of age. If you live here you follow our customs. It has been decided, once they have both trained and passed the trials they will mate" Father said.

Aonung froze in his spot. I tried to pull his arm but he stood wide eyed.

"She needs help Aonung!" I whispered to him. He snapped out of his trance as we both rushed in.

"Mother, Father!" I yelled, grabbing their attention. Mother gasped seeing A'nityra unconscious, as did her mother and father.

"Place her down son." Mother said. He nodded and gently set her down in the middle of the room. Her father went to sit next to her, but his hand was slapped by my mother.

"Stay back Jake Sully, you will only interrupt the process" She slightly hissed. He recoiled and stood next to his wife, who was keeping a brave face. Mother began to poke and prod A'nityra while calling out to Eywa. Father grabbed Aonung by the shoulder.

"How did this happen boy? I knew you weren't keen on being betrothed, but this...this is extreme " He asked.

"Its not like that!" Aonung said. "We where swimming. We went too deep and before I had realised I was swimming her to the surface" He mumbled to my father. He let out a satisfied hum as he went back to watching his mate perform the ritual. I slightly shook in fear, anticipating her awakening. We all stood together waiting, minutes seemed like hours as we stared at her, waiting for anything to happen, even if her arm twitched.

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