Chapter 3

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"Your unbelievable" bruce said as Tony went to get something.  


Bruce and Angela waited as Tony came back with a grey bol and gave it to Angela. "Tony...I don't think this is a great plan" 

"What!? this is a great plan. Wait and see" as they stepped back. Angela looked at the bol in her hand and opened it. When she opened it, she felt the stone present. Her veins began to glow along with her eyes. The urge to grab the stone was so unreal, but Bruce began to speak before she could even touch it. "Angela! we don't know what it will do. Do not touch it!" but Angela does not listen to Bruce and grabs the stone out of the grey bol Tony and bruce thought something was going to happen, but nothing did. 

Angela was admiring the half-stone in her hand, but the power of the power stone in her heart began to feed off the other half of the power stone. Feeling finally again her soul marks 

she was so in trans that she did not see or hear Tony and Bruce until one word came out of Tony. "Try to put it down" She looked up to see Tony walking slowly toward her. She put her head to the side in confusion. "Try?" she then looked again at the stone in her hand.  

Everything she tried went wrong at the beginning. 

Trying to hear the conversation between Thanos and her father, trying to touch the weird stone in the basement, and trying to see what will happen if you jump into space and leave everything you love behind.  

"Try," she said again, before putting the stone in the grey bol and closing it before she could get all that power out of it. "Good, now give it to me," Tony said and Angela gave him the grey bol back. "Well, we now know where the other half of the power stone was," Bruce said as Tony agreed with it.  

Angela's soul marks began to burn and she rubbed her hand on the two soul marks that were burning. "Angela? What is wrong" Bruce said as he came close making one of the soul marks even burn more. Bruce then realized what was happing to Angela "Tony... I think we activate the soul marks" 

As bruce touched her arm it was gone but not for the other soul mark that was gone after Tony came to her.  

after a little silence, Tony began to laugh. Angela and Bruce looked at him weirdly. "I am... More of a genius than I thought" he put his arms in the air. Both Bruce and Angela began also to laugh at Tony's weirdness. "Come we need to celebrate," He said grabbing Angela's and Bruce their hands as he ran to the elevator making them run too. 

as they were in the elevator. Tony was jumping up and down like a kid as he pressed a button. As the elevator doors opened he began to run again to a bar and went behind after letting go of them.  

Angela and Bruce went to sit on the chairs in front of the bar. "So Angel... because you're new here. what do you want?"  

"I never drink," she said quietly but enough for them to hear. his face of Tony changed for a bit. "So.. you're saying you've been on a ship of the guardians of the galaxy, but they never learned you how to drink?"  

Angela nodded and Tony sighed before pouring something into a glass and sliding it to Angela. "Try this"  

"Tony this is her first time drinking you don't give her one of the strongest" Bruce said as Tony gave him also a glass. "Don't worry yours is apple juice"  

Bruce muttered something before drinking his apple juice. Angela picked up the glass and looked at Tony. "You need to drink it really fast without stopping," he said filling his own to the top.  

Angela looked at the drink in her hand, before drinking it in one sitting. she put the glass down and closed her eyes feeling the burn of the drink on her neck. She opened her eyes again and saw Bruce and Tony looking at her with interest. "Goddammit Tony," she said very loudly. Tony and Bruce looked at her with surprise on their face. "Well I did not know someone could make cursing so hot," Tony said as Bruce rolled his eyes.  

I know it is not very long, but I have homework and all that so I will make the next chapter longer.   

and by the way how do you like Angela? 

please comment it will make me feel better knowing your guy's opinions. 

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