Chapter 9

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10-year-old Angela runs through the castle trying to get away from her two big brothers, but then they teleport right in front of her. "Oh look at that Raphael she tried to run away," Gabriel said coming closer to Angela. "I saw that... did you really think you could get away with your powers oh wait... you don't have powers" Raphael said. 

"My Powers will come!" she said stomping with her feet as tears were running down her cheek. Gabriel shook his head. "You will never and never have powers"  

suddenly someone teleports in front of Angela.  

"Two little kids are you guys, bullying your younger sister," He said as Raphael took a step back from him, but Gabriel tried to look scared but Micheal was scarier than those two. "Gabriel... I will ask you this one time. Step. The.Fuck. Back" He said with a low voice making Gabriel step back and Raphael disappears in thin air.  

"It will be wise to disappear to Gabriel because we all know you don't have the balls to fight me..."  

Angela shot off up from the bed looking at her side and seeing Steve sleeping soundlessly. As quietly as she could she stepped out of the bed feeling the cold floor on her bare feet. She walked quietly but fast to the door and stepped out of the lab leaving Steve there.  after she closed the door of the lab she turned around only to be seeing Natasha standing there with crossed arms. 

"Sneaky aren't we?" 

Angela did not know what to say but Natasha grabbed her wrist pulling her to the elevator. "I and Pepper has a surprise for you"  

Angela looked confused "Pepper?" 

" Oh, yes you don't know Pepper. She is like the babysitter of all your soulmates"  

as the elevator doors opened she stepped into a whole new room. 

"Welcome to your new room," Natasha said walking to a tall woman in the room. Angela looked around the room and she liked the design. 


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She looked amazed at the room she did not say that the tall woman walking toward her. "Hello" 

Angela looked away from the room and looked at the tall woman. "Hello, I am Pepper Potts nice to meet you," she said as she shakes her hand. "Angela" 

Pepper smiled at angela before saying to Natasha. "Your right she is cute"  

Angela blushed a bit at that.  

Natasha nodded before saying. "Yeah and we can totally flirt with her alone if she does not tell the boys," She said whispering the last part. 

"Did you design my room?" Angela asks Pepper making her nod. "Yes and I put some clothes in your wardrobe" 

"How did you know my size?" 

"Tony guessed it," They both say. 

Pepper looked at her watch "Well I need to get going. I hope I see you soon again" Pepper said winking at Angela before walking to the elevator. As the elevator doors closed it was only Natasha and Angela. 

Natasha's phone began to ring and she looked at who was calling her. "I am sorry sweetheart. I need to go" She said walking also to the elevator as she put her phone in her ear. "With Romanoff" 

she was now alone. 

she was expecting Johann to come up, but he never came... 

so this is how it feels to be alone? 

Angela did not like that feeling so she walked to the elevator and saw a lot of buttons. She randomly choose one and waited for the door to open. 

as the elevator doors opened she came into a hall. she walked in and saw two doors on the left and two doors on the right. 

one door at the right opened and bucky came out of it. he looked up surprised to see Angela here. "Hey doll what are you doing here?" he said putting his hands in his front pocket as he walked to her. "Exploring" 

Bucky hummed. "Exploring?"  

Angela nodded. "Well this is my room and that is Steve's. the two at the left are from Pietro and Wanda"   

"Who is Wanda?" 

"Wanda is- was Pietro's twin before she died"   

Angela did not know Pietro is- was a twin and that the other twin was dead. "It was hard for Pietro, so he did not clean her room. Just to think she is just here"  

Angela nodded before looking at wanda's door and walking to Bucky. "Do you want to do something?"  

Bucky smirked before lowering her level. "I have something in mind" 

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