Chapter 13

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it was night and angela was walking around the tower not getting any sleep after hearing the news. she was happy that her brother was alive and wanted to search for him now. "Darling?" 

She looked up from her feet, saw Loki standing with glass water in his hands, and realized she was in the kitchen. She put her shoulders up and walked away from the kitchen.  

Loki knew she was quiet but this was even quieter than average. he put his glass on the counter and followed her. "wait!"  

Angela stopped walking and turned around to see Loki walking toward her. "What are you doing?" 

"Wandering around the tower," she said very fast but luckily Loki picked it up. "You need to be asleep, I read that humans need 8 hours of sleep" 

"Not human" 

"Oh yes, I forgot it is just you look like a human" 

"You also look like a human" she responded very quickly. 

"Yes, I do, but now to the main reason why are you up?" 

"Can't sleep"  

Loki took her hand and led her to the kitchen. "Well, I heard that after a glass of milk, you should be able to sleep faster," he said grabbing a class. 

"I don't like milk," she said still holding his hand as he grabbed everything. 

"That is all right I just put magic on it so it will taste like strawberries" 

after Loki made it for her they went to the living room couch. As they sat Angela drank the whole glass in one. 

Loki already summoned a book in his hands and opened the book. Angela put the glass down and looked at her right where Loki was sitting with a book. "What are you reading?" 

"An Asgardian book"   

"Can  I read it?" 

Loki looked up from his book and smirked at her. "Sure, but you need to come closer" 

With no hesitation, Angela went to sit right next to Loki making sure she could see what he was reading but she looked at Loki with confusion.  

"it is in another language"  

"Yes, do you want me to read it for you?"  

She nodded her head and Loki put the book away and grabbed Angela by her waist and set her between his legs. he grabbed the book and opened it. 

Angela was shocked and did not know what to do in this situation. 

Loki put his head on her right shoulder to read from the book only to see angela confused. "What is it, darling?" 

"Why...why did you put me between your legs?" Angela said blushing and looking down. Loki put his finger on her chin to make her look at him. "So I could read it for you," he said smirking knowing that was not the only reason. 

Loki went to read it for her and after some time she put her back against Loki and closed her eyes. 

in the morning Pietro was walking to the kitchen but stopped after he saw Loki and Angela sleeping on the couch. He took a photo and walked away to the kitchen.  

Angela was the first to wake up and tried to get out of Loki's hand and not disturb his sleep. Angela walked out to the elevator and walked in as the door closed the elevator stopped and someone began to speak. 


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