Chapter 21

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What the hell did I just read? 

this wasn't what I was taught

did my mom lie to me? 

I closed the book, put on a jacket, and walked out of the building to the hospital. I saw my brother and walked to him. 

"What are  you do-"

"Did you know?" 

"Did I know what?" 

"That what mom taught us about s- e-x was not true?"  

He grabbed my arm and walked with me to a room, opened the door, and closed it so we would be alone. "You can just say sex" 

I rolled my eyes.  "Answer my question" 

"Yes of course I knew"  

Of course, my fucking brother knew. "And you never told me?"  

"Why would I? I am a man your a girl" 

What the- 

he never speaks like that to me. 

"What happend to you?" 

He laughed a little before answering "What do you mean?" 

"You were never like this to me and now... now you're as worse as Gabriel and Raphael"

"I have grown little sister, I know now that women are just for pleasure or babies" 

I was shocked that he said that... no something is wrong with him, but I do not know what. 

I came close to him and said quietly "You're sick in your mind" Before walking away out of this hospital out of that sick family of mine. 

I walked back to the tower to Bruce his lab. Bruce turned around seeing me walking fast toward him. 

"Hey, what's wr-" Before he could finish I hugged him and after a couple of seconds he hugged me back. 

After a couple of minutes, I let him go and walked away from the lab. "Wait Angela" Bruce came running behind me and turned me around. "Are you okay?" 

I looked at him in his beautiful brown eyes feeling that he cared if I am okay. I didn't want to cry but I couldn't stop the tears. "Is it true that women are just for the pleasure of men?" 

"What?- no no....No who told you that? no no no never"  

He hugged me as he said "You are the most precious and smartest woman I ever have seen, you have a way to look at everything and still be positive, whoever told you that is just someone who wants to be on your level but can't" 

I never heard Bruce say so many words in one sentence but it was nice how he can make me feel happy again. 

He backed away to look me in the eyes. 

"what do you say, want to eat ice cream?" 

He wiped with his fingers my tears. I smiled and nodded and we walked to the kitchen. 

"What flavor do you want?" he said looking in the freezer. "What is your favorite?" I asked 

"Matcha, do you want the same as me" He looked at me seeing that I nodded and he grabbed the one with matcha in it.  

He grabbed two bowls and put there the matcha in before setting them back in the freezer and sitting next to me and giving me one bowl. 

I took a bite and it was delicious, but not something I would choose. 

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