Chapter 19

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(Warning; Smut)

I am in the library in the Avengers Tower looking for something with the name Scarlett Witch, but I can't find any. it was 4:02 AM and I couldn't sleep, but as I was searching I did not see that there was also someone else there.  


I looked behind me seeing Bruce. making me smile as I don't see him as often. "Hii Bruce I was just searching for a book you too?"  

"yeah, but I find my book... are you searching for something?" 

Should I tell him? What could go wrong? 

"I was searching for a book with the name Scarlett Witch, but I don't know if there is a book about that," I said, laughing a bit. His face changes as he asks slowly "Why are you searching for her?"  

"... someone said that to me, why?"    

"Well...she was an avenger" 

"Was? What happend to her?" 


"Of what?" 

"Well... it is not my place to say it. if you want to know to go to Pietro"    

I nodded my head and Bruce smiled a little bit and walked away. I walked to Pietro's bedroom seeing him sitting on the bed eating popcorn and gaming. I knock on the door before walking in. 

"What's up, princess?" He said putting the game off and setting his controller away as he signed for me to come also on the bed. 

I climbed into the bed and I sat in front of him. "I want to ask you something" 

"Sure go ahead"  

"Do you know the scarlet witch"  

And that is when his face fell and looked down before looking at me again. "Yes...She is- was my twin sister" 

"What happend to her?" 

"She- um she got killed because she- she got too dangerous. Some other witch- some other witch killed her"  

I went closer to Pietro and hugged him. 

"If I was there I could have saved her!" He said angrily as I felt wet tears on my shoulders. "I-I just want that the witch killed me and not my dear sister" 

He hugged me tighter.  

"It is not your fault," I said.  We just sat there for a while and I was getting tired of sitting like this so I called his name "Pietro" I said whispering then I release that he had fallen asleep on my shoulder, so I push him back so he lays on his bed. I put the sheets over him and tried to walk away but I felt a hand on my wrist. He pushes me into bed and put the sheets also over me 

"Stay" He mutters.  

"Okay I stay" 


I was the first one to wake up. 

As I look to my left I saw him sleeping so peacefully, I put some hair out of his face and traced with my finger on my face, after a couple of minutes I stopped only to hear this "Don't stop princess"  

I smiled at him as he opened his eyes. "Can I wake up like this every day with beauty in my bed?" 

I laughed, I look at his lips and gave him a peck. 

He looked shocked "Well that is what I did not expect, but you did it not right" 

I looked at him confused, but before I could ask he had his lips on me. 

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