Chapter 28

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"Nat.....we have been here for hours" I groaned as we were in a store and she was searching for a dress. "Well we wouldn't be here if you had already been laid, but no the only one you did is speedy boy" 

I rolled my eyes as she still was searching for a dress. " let it be Natasha" 

"found it!" She walked to me in a short red dress. "And just to be clear I have sex with Carol 2 or 3 times a week, so you need to step up your game" 

My eyes widened "2 or 3 times a week!?"  

"I have needs...and by the looks of it your soulmates too, but you don't see that. you always find an excuse"  

I look at her confused "What do you mean?" 

"you never see the way they look at you...for example when you got all mad at them I saw that their eyes darkened and if you didn't walk away they would take turns on you right there in Bruce's lab" 

"But I hated what they were doing how can turned on by that?" 

"They are dominant, well most of them except quill, they like to have rough sex, angry sex. You need to step up your game just like I said earlier" 

She gave me the dress. "Try it on" 


after we were done shopping we got back into the car. 

"So who are you picking?" 

I sighed and looked at her as she was driving and focusing on the road. "Like I said I am not gonna have sex" 

"Mmh," She said as she could not believe a word of what I said. "okay hypothetical if you needed to choose someone who are you picking" 

"Hypothetical speaking...Bucky...I think he is sweet in bed"  

She snorted "Girl...I never went to bed with him but I know for a fact that he is not 'sweet' in bed" 

I grabbed my phone and ignored her.  

"If you're choosing need to play it right," She said making me look at her as she was already smirking. Well, whatever she has in is nothing good...


I walked through the halls of the Avengers Tower and knocked on a door. Bucky opened the door surprised to see me. "Angela, I am so sorry we shouldn't reacted that w-" 

"All forgiven bucky...can I come in?" 

He stepped to the side to let me in his room. 

"H-how can you forgive us- me like that?" 

I turn around "People make mistakes, and I always give out second chances and this one...wasn't  really big" 

He came to me and hugged me. "I'm sorry, I just wanna protect you and I know you don't tell a lot from your past but I am here to help" 

"Thank you buck.."  I hugged him back. I broke the hug, looked around his room, and saw a TV in front of his bed. "I wanna watch about we do a movie night?" I said smiling at him. "You read my mind doll"  

As I jumped on his bed and put on the TV he asked. "What are we gonna watch?"  

"How about 'my demon'  it is new on Netflix and I really wanna see it," I said exiting. he smiled at me and put his hand on my leg " 'My demon' it is, put it on"  

as we were watching Bucky his hand was still on my leg, not that I complain but I just like the cold better and his hand is extremely warm...wait is this what Natasha meant? That I always look for an excuse?

I put his hand off my leg and put my hand in his.  I put my head on his shoulder as we were watching the serie. "Hey buck..." 

"Mmh?" He said still has his attention to the TV. "Do you think...that sometimes I dont know what is going on in a situation?"  

"What do you mean?" 

"Well...that you guys give me signals but I just simply ignore them" 

he turned his head as  put my head off his shoulder and I know I have his full attention. " never..I wanna take things slow..and maybe the others too I do not know...but don't do something for us if your gonna regret it later. Okay?" 

"Okay..." I said not so sure about it. He looked at me and grabbed my hands "Hey..I mean it..we are taking things slow with been through a lot and after you don't remember much...If we ever have sex..I want you to remember it okay?" 

"Okay"  I smiled and went to lay on his chest. "Okay.."   

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