Chapter 20

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As I woke up I looked to my left only to see nobody... 

I thought I would see next to me Pietro just like my mom always told me women are made to be ruled. 

Pov; third pov

As Pietro was sitting in the kitchen Clint walked in. "You look happy," Clint said grabbing some juice. "Yeah... Angel wanted to sleep with me"  

Clint coughed on his juice "Please tell me you didn't" 

"Did do what?"  

Clint looked around him before saying "Have sex with her"  

Pietro looked confused " what sleeping with her means..." 

Clint was furious, he was not jealous but furious as Pietro just rushed things as if this hadn't had any consequence this has. 

" old do you fucking this she is!?" 

Pietro could see that he was jealous because he was the first, but damm he needs to calm down. 

"SHE IS FUCKING 16!! oh and news flash she doesn't even know what Fucking sex is!"  

When Clint was yelling at Pietro Tony walked in.  

"Wow, what is going on?"  

"This dumbass slept with Angel"  

Tony turned his head "You did what?" 

Pietro put his hand on his head "I know I did wrong, but the soulmate pull was..too strong"  

Tony walked to him "Well you know what you could have used your brain...oh wait you don't have one after you slept with a 16-year-old!"  

"Who slept with a 16-year-old?" Peter (Quill) Walked in still a little sleepy. "This no-brainer," Tony said pointing at Pietro. 

"Wait did you sleep with Angela?"  

He nodded his head slowly, and when he did that Peter (Quill)  grabbed him by the collar and walked fast to the wall. "Quill stays calm," Steve said walking in and seeing the situation. 

"You motherfucker, you pedo, you Abuser!! I trusted you as my soulmate and you do this to her!!"  

Steve pulled Peter (Quill) from Pietro. Pietro coughed a little bit before saying "I am not... an Abuser or a pedo she, she wanted to" 

"She doesn't know what she wants! hell... she was raised that way"  

"What are you talking about?" Clint said. 

Peter sighed "She...She was raised that men stood above all and if they needed pleasure even when they are trying to deny it the woman must help them"  

"Did you mean she-" 

"She never was a virgin and she didn't even know what that word was until Gomora explained it to her a little bit"  

"Why didn't you tell us this?" Steve asked. 

"Because I am trying for Angela to stand up for herself ad never needs to pleasure a man, but now I need to start over because SOMEONE THOUGHT IT WILL BE A GOOD IDEA TO SLEEP WITH A 16-year-old" 

Peter walked out going to Pietro's room where maybe Angela still is there. 

Tony walked to his lab not needing this all today. 

Natasha walked into the kitchen seeing Steve his worried face and Pietro looking down. 

"Okay, what did you do?" She said 

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