Chapter 11 (not part of the story)

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this is not part of the story. 

Today is my birthday.  

I always hated my birthday, but today people let me feel how it feels to be exceptional on your birthday and to be loved even if you have a hard time. 

When I was young I struggled with depression and thought people didn't like me and hated me and will be better if I am dead, but I learned that the people who love you and feels like family to you will not stop fighting for you.  

our generation has this belief that love doesn't exist and maybe that's true. maybe the past ideals of love can't ever be found in the modern keys of our computers, maybe we're typing nonsensically. looking for something that has long become outdated, 

but what if we're wrong? 

what if love evolved with us? 

what if it has a greater capacity? 

we can see each other more clearly, love has become digitalized, and we can immortalize it forever. If it doesn't exist why do we create songs about it to listen to on our drives to work?  

why does it exist in paintings? 

why does it exist even in pain? 

the belief is that love doesn't exist but love isn't just romantic. 

love is platonic and love is motherly. 

it takes care of you when you're sick. 

love is quiet sometimes only a whisper of what it once was and our generation believes it doesn't exist, but darling yes it does. 

take a look around it is in everything we do. we look for it in others, but you need to find it inside if you. 

Today is a year later when I got to hear I had depression. I am not completely cured but I try and with the love of others, I will. 

I guess it is true when you get older you get wiser. 

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