Untitled Part 12

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"That was the meeting of today" Fury's last words were until Pietro rushed out. Angela stood up from Steve's leg and walked to fury. "You wanted to talk?"  

"Yes, indeed but in order to do that I need to speak with you alone and not your minions behind you" 

Angela looked behind her seeing Loki, Steve, and bucky standing behind her all with their arms crossed. "Can I talk alone?" 

They all looked at her simultaneously and then at fury before slowly getting out of the room. 

"Miss Angela or should I call you to miss harrara?" 

Angela's eyes widened "How did you-"  

"Did you really think I hadn't had cameras by all the documents that know everyone's information?" 

Angela did not say anything think of how stupid she was not to check first. 

"I assume your brother is Micheal, I want information about him"  

Angela nodded. "Yes, but on my home... or was my home they called him the fallen angel because people looked at him as the devil as he could make fire and teleport"  

fury nodded. "is he dangerous?" 

Angela immediately shakes her head. "No, he is a good person" 

"Your family is difficult to read, do you know where he is now?" 

She shakes her head. "I don't know where he is and I also want to find him before other brothers find him"  

"We are going to find him. I will come next week and you tell me all about your family, I need to go"  with that he walked away letting her there. 

she was in deep thought as Steve walked in. "Hey... are you okay?" he said looking back at the door. She nodded and walked to him and hugged him.  

immediately the arms of steve went around her. "What did he say to you?" 

"Great news"  


it is not a lot, but I don't feel good at all. My health is not good so I am in the hospital but I will try to keep posting. 

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