Chapter 27

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"So the Scarlett witch is dead?" 

"Yes and what do you mean that your ancestors made the book?" 

"Just like I said"  

I was with Stephen for a long time until I went away again. He didn't stop me as he was busy doing other things.  I went to my apartment of my brother and knocked, he opened the door and was surprised to see me. "Sister, what are you doing here?"  

"Gabriel I need to talk to you" I went into his apartment without his consent. 

"Uh I am Micheal" 

"Cut the bullshit, I know Gabriel" 

He sighed and changed from Micheal to his form. "What do you want?" 

"Where is Micheal? the real Micheal?" 

"Can't you just be happy with your soulmate or something and leave it-"

"No, where is Micheal?"  

Gabriel sighed and went to sit on his couch. "He was a pussy just like Raphael now is"  

I cross my arms "What are you trying to say?" 

"the king already knew he wanted to escape, so he prevented that" 

"What do you mean? Micheal escaped our planet" 

"He didn't, I killed him before he got a chance to go" 

I looked at him as I felt anger in me "You did what?"  

"It was Raphael's job first but he couldn't do it so I just did it"  

He said it like it was killing a fly. he grinned at me as he saw the anger and shock on my face. "He was your older brother how? How can you do that?"  

"Oh cut the crap, he was never my older brother he didn't follow the rules just like you are doing now. Maybe I should kill you but Mother wants you back like the whore you were"  He stood up and walked to me as we stand now face to face. 

"Come back home, Midgard is no place for an innocent and weak girl like you" 

"Who says that I am innocent and weak huh? maybe I killed more people than I can count maybe I can destroy you by just looking at you" 

"Oh come on Angela we both know you are bluffing" 

"I have been raped, lied, attacked and some of my memories are not here anymore, do you think I am weak? I am one of the strongest of our family and you are going to leave Earth go to your planet and tell them if they ever do something to the people I love I will destroy them with no hesitation understand?"  

I walked away not wanting to be here anymore, I walked out of his apartment and went back to the Avengers tower.             

"Angela your back," Natasha said hugging me. "I thought for a second that you gonna leave me with these boys"   

I smiled "Never"   

"I am sorry I missed your birthday," Natasha said as we walked to the kitchen. "How do you kn-" 

"Don't you think I can't get the truth out of Bruce" She smirked as she grabbed a glass of water. " are now still surprises me that you are the youngest, you don't act like it"  

I also grabbed a glass of water and drank from it. 

" is the sex?" 

I choked on my water. "Natasha! you can't ask that!" 

"I just did, so how is it?"  She was very casual as it was a casual thing to say. "Nat, I only did it with Pietro and I remember it barely and I am not ready to have sex with the others" 

"why not? If I was not gay I would bone Barnes"  


"What? I am just telling the truth"  

I rolled my eyes and took a sip of my water. 

"Well after I have sex with you course" 

I choked on air, as I tried to process what Natasha said. 

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