Chapter 25

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It's been a month since Loki put Angela to sleep.  

"We should bring her to Asgard," Thor said standing in front of Angela's hospital bed. Loki looked at her brother as if he had said the dumbest thing ever "Really and then what? They're gonna remove the stone and then our soulmate is dead. Great thinking brother" 

"Maybe..just maybe someone needs to go into her head and see what is causing this" Tony suggested. everyone in the room was now looking at Loki. 

"Even if I want to go in her head it's chaos I can not read her anymore, the only thing we can do to go in her head is go to my Mother" 

"So we go to your Mother fixed it now let's go," Peter said. 

Loki looked at Thor and Thor nodded. 

"If after one day she is not awake we will bring her to Asgard," He said.


Pov; Angela 

I open my eyes only to see darkness, I look at my feet seeing that I am standing. I look up and see a brown door. I walk to the brown door and open it, the light comes in my eyes making me close it for a little bit before opening my eyes.  

 I was standing in my old bedroom, I saw a girl in my old bed with my mother on a chair next to the bed. 

"Mommy, when will I get powers?" 

"Well Angela we do not know, but all I can think about is how you did today" 

"It was an accident" The little girl mutters. 

"This was no accident, you have no manners. Next week you are going back to Mr. Donaf"  

The little girl looked down. "But... I he is mean he doesn't let me eat or drink, I-" 

my Mother stood up angry "This is what I mean, no manners. Next time I will throw you myself in prison"  

Then I realised this was a memory this is my memory...  

Suddenly everything changed and I was in another bedroom a bigger one. I saw a man with his back to me and kicking something. I walked around to see it was me... 

the little girl... beaten up by a man.  

the little girl was crying for it to stop he didn't stop until the little girl suddenly stopped crying and was now doing nothing... not moving...not breathing... nothing. 

"You pathetic, you should not even be a royal!" the man walked away leaving the girl there.  

I remembered this memory and I wouldn't say I like it to remember...

I walked to the little girl and went to the same level as her on the ground. I wanted to put a hand on her shoulder only for it to go through her. Suddenly the doors opened the man walked out and Micheal walked in to see the little girl.  

"Oh sissy.." He walked to the little girl's body and picked her up. I stood up again. He walked out of the door and everything around me went black again.


"You guys need to calm down," Natasha said.  

was the first thing I heard

I open my eyes and suddenly I see every single soulmate standing around the bed. "What-"  

"Darling take it slow," Loki said helping me sit up.  "What is going on?" I said looking around them. "Well we are here for you to help-" 

"I do not need someone's help thank you very much" 

 As I saw Steve his face he was taking back from his attitude.  It was silent for a while until Bruce made his way to me to look at my temperature. "You too Warm..."  He said grabbing his paper to wright this down.  

"I think you should take a bath, it helps with the temperature," Clint said. I crossed my arms over my chest and sighed. "I am not really in the mood for a bath, besides I feel fine"   

"Doll go take that bath Someone can help you to go there if you didn't stand for a long time" 

Seriously? how did I miss this? 

"Am I a ghost or something? I said I do not want a bath and you guys do not listen! like I do not have a say in this!" 

"We just want you to be cured of whatever this is," Pietro said. 

I stood up from the bed even when they all protested. "Well, Pietro this 'whatever this is' is a part of me and I feel fine and I am done" I walked away from the room only to hear "Where are you going!" 

"Away!" I yelled back as I went to the elevator. 


Pov; Natasha 

As I was hearing those stupid boys arguing with Angela, I was polishing my nails. wait? my nails need to be good. As I saw in the corner of my eye Angela walking away they yelled where she was going and she yelled back away. I watched for a minute to see the boys think. 

"You guys are really stupid"  They looked my way as if they forgot I was here. "Why are we stupid," Stark said. 

I stood up and looked at my nails before looking at the boy band. "I guess you guys are big boys and know why you are ALL stupid" I walked away done with them. 


Pov; Angela 

As I was walking down the street after I changed myself in the tower in some fresh clothes. 

I had my phone in my hand and called the one person I felt I could trust. 



third pov 

"Why are we here the fault?" Pietro said as he was rushing around trying to think of something.  Bucky came back with a beer in his hand and went to sit next to Steve on the couch. "We should have taken it easy with her when she woke up with just one person in the room, Who knows what she was dreaming about"  

Steve put a hand on Bucky's thigh as Bucky took a sip of his beer. "I agree we didn't handle this well, but that doesn't mean we can't fix it"  

"So, what is the plan captain?" Thor asked. 

"We wait and try again


Pov; Angela. 

Okay on the phone he said he would be here. I looked at the flat I was in front of and walked inside seeing a lot of doors. I went to the number he said his or his aunt's apartment was. 

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