Chapter 18

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As Angela walked back to the Avengers tower angry at what she heard from her brother... 

As Angela and Micheal were drinking coffee in silence, Michael was the one to break the silence "You... were not looking for me right?" 

Angela looked up from her cup of coffee, she looked at him in disbelieve "Anything I ever wanted was to find you" Micheal sighed at that and shakes his head "Sis, the reason I went away was because of father and... you"  


"I went away most part to protect you," He said. Angela sat upright and looked him straight in the eye "Well now  I don't need it anymore, I can protect myself" At that he scoffed "Really so if I step on a spider right now you wouldn't cry?" 

"I will do that because spiders are misunderstood creatures"  Micheal leaned back in his chair. "Well it doesn't matter, this will be our last conversation as we don't see each other again after this" 

"What! Why?" 

"Because I need to protect you that is my job" 

"Your job? Your Job!? you changed. I have spent my entire life searching for you needing my brother when something did not go as planned and now I know how an asshole he is"  

"Angela I needed to change For your sake!.... there is something in you, something powerful just like the Scarlett witch and look where she now is"

"Who is the Scarlett witch?" 

He sighed "I am not having this conversation with you" He stood up laying some money on the table before looking at Angela and said "I missed you sissy I truly have" With that, he walked away. After a moment Angela also stood up and walked out of the coffee shop, she walked with her head down angry at how her brother is like he is, but who was she to change him? 

She walked back to the Avengers tower, but she accidentally bumped into someone she looked back and saw a man with a stick and red glasses. 

"I'm sorry," I said smiling before walking further. When I was at the front of the Avengers tower bucky came and saw me. "Hey doll, what are you doing?"   

"Nothing now. I was visiting someone, you?" I said He nodded "Well, Natasha is making her famous pumpkin pie cake so I was going to grab a bite of that before other people come, do you want to come?"  

I nodded and he grabbed my hand in his and let me walk with him to the elevator. 

as we were walking to the kitchen My mind was thinking of something else as I felt that my destiny was to find my brother and be forever together as a family, but the universe had other plans and who is Scarlett witch? like I never heard of him or her.  

I heard some clicking noses and as I looked bucky was clicking his fingers in front of me. "Doll come back to earth" 

I laughed at his silliness. He smiled at me before giving me a piece of pumpkin pie cake, I went to sit on the stool at the counter and Bucky sat next to me.   

The cake was very delicious and you could see it on my face "Wait doll with some whipped cream and it will be more delicious" He said standing up and walking to the refrigerator to get whipped cream. He shook it before opening it and put it on my cake. "Try it now it is much better" 

I grab my fork and took a piece of the whipped cream.  "Mmmmh, that... is delicious, can I have the whipped cream?" I said pointing to the whipped cream, he gave it to me and I put it above my mouth and the whipped cream came into my mouth. I closed my eyes and mouth as I taste the cream. As I open my eyes I saw Bucky looking at me with something in his eyes I never saw before. "Do you... want to?"  

Bucky coughed before shaking no with his head. "I- I need to help Steve with- with something He ask before," He said before walking away. I put my head to the side seeing this weird side of him is new, but I shrugged and put the whipped cream back in the refrigerator. As I closed the refrigerator Loki was there making me shriek a little and making a little jump backward. 

"Loki I-" but before I can say anything he stopped me "You really are innocent....So Innocent. I can't wait to break that" the last sentence he said with a quieter but lower voice. "What do you mean?" 

"You don't know what you just did to sweet James do you?" I looked at him as if I had no clue what he was talking about. "Well If you don't you what you did I am not going to spoil the fun"  

"What fun?" 

he came closer and I just stood there as he stood now in front of me before bucking down to my level, he gently grabbed my chin, and with his thump, he smeared some cream at the side of my lip before putting the thump in his mouth. "Mmmh, your right this is some delicious cream"  

I looked at him not knowing what words to use, but something he did, did something inside of me maybe his magic? 

he straightened his back again making me look up again as he is a lot taller than me... what did I expect he is a god after all. "Well it is fun to watch the other soulmates not lose control, but I need to warn you little pet... when they do they are not gonna hold back" 

I am very sorry I didn't post, but I am trying to write in my free time

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