Chapter 24

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"You think this was fathers doing? oh you got it all wrong this was mothers doing" He sneered


I shake my head. "that that is not true Mom is not like that! tell me the truth!"  

"I am telling the truth you just are scared to face them!"  

I took a step forward as I wiped the tear away that fell from my cheek. "I... am not scared" 

"All you ever did in your whole life is run away from the problem! tell me don't you have people now who protect you?" 

I couldn't answer it, because he is right... I never faced my problems Michael always did it for me. 

"Tell me where is your precious Micheal now?" he said becoming mad and his wings went up. 

"I- I not know," I said looking down on the ground.  

"He left you too! our big brother chickens away and you found me and Gabriel worse siblings" 

"He had a reason" 

"What was the reason? tell me" 

I looked up from the ground and looked at his wings as some feathers fell on the ground. He isn't bad... he is broken... 

"He didn't want to face his destiny" 

"Of what! becoming the fallen Angel, please Angela did you think that is the reason? He was always selfish only you couldn't see that!" 

I took a step forward again "I could see that! alright, do you want to hear that!! that I thought if I believed that he will protect me from you and Gabriel because you guys always had the pick of me and I do not know why!! tell me why!!!"  

His mouth clothes as he was looking into my eyes. 

"Why!!" I said as tears came flowing down my cheeks. 

"Angela...your eyes"  

I looked in the mirror behind him seeing my eyes were indeed another color... purple. 

My chest became heavy I put my hand on it as Raphael still looked at me. I went on my knees and I heard him come to a step toward me...but then hesitated and flew away from the balcony he came from in my room.   

I heard a knock on my door before someone opened it. 

"Hey, darling I heard yell- darling?" Loki made my way to me as I was on my knees. He went on his knees "Darling what's wrong?" 

I couldn't hear me as my chest hurt and I had my eyes closed. 

"Angela!" I looked up still holding my chest, he looked at my chest before looking at me "Does your chest hurts?" 

I nodded letting tears get away as I fell in his arm as I couldn't hold my balance. He put the back of his hand on my forehead as he felt how warm my arms were. "You're running a fever," He said I think to himself as he picked me up in bridal style. "I am going to let you sleep" 

Suddenly I felt really sleeply and closed my eyes. 


A/N: Hey everybody, I wish I could write more but I am going on vacation for 5 weeks. I wanted to bring my laptop so I could write more, but my family forbid it saying that I do not need it. So I am going to see you in 5 weeks honey bunny's !!! 

 So I am going to see you in 5 weeks honey bunny's !!! 

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