Chapter 16

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it was morning and Angela woke up in her own room ready to start the day of finding her brother. She walked to the wardrobe and search for something to wear.

it was cold outside so she wanted something warm and comfy then she thought about what she would do with her long hair only the elevator doors opened revealing Stephen stepping out

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it was cold outside so she wanted something warm and comfy then she thought about what she would do with her long hair only the elevator doors opened revealing Stephen stepping out. "Hey Stephen, do you need something?"  

Stephen smiled. "What? can't I just see my favorite soulmate?"  

"Yes of course but I don't see you as often so I thought you needed something" Stephen hugged his soulmate and smelled her scent missing her scent. "I am going to try to be here often as possible" Stephen let go of Angela and took a step back seeing what she was wearing. "Going somewhere?" 

Angela began to walk to her brush and grabbed it. "Yes, I am, I  am going to a hospital" Angela brushed her hair not thinking how Stephen will react as she said it. 

Stephen walked to her fast. "Why Are you hurt? who hurt you?"  he said grabbing her shoulders and making her let her brush out of her hands on the ground. "I am not hurt I am just meeting someone there"  Stephen sighed in relief and let go of her as she picked up her brush and laid it down on her bed. "What shall I do with my hair?" 

Stephen looked up as Angela looked at him. "What?" 

"What should I do with my hair?"  

Stephen did not know what to say as he never heard someone ask him a random question like that. "You could do it.... in.....a .......ponytail?" Stephen said not so sure what to answer that. Angela nodded. "Great idea"  

Angela put her hair in a high ponytail making Stephen look at her neck. 


He went out of trans and looked at her. "What?" 

"I said I am going" 

Stephen scratches the back of his head "Yeah..yeah I will see you soon"  Angela smiled and walked past him. Why was he so nervous around her? 

Why was she so calm, she wasn't even trying to look calm calm.  

Angela walked outside toward the hospital after 10 minutes of walking she stood in front of the hospital. She took a deep breath in and closed her eyes then she took a deep breath out and opened her eyes. She was ready to finally see her brother again after 5 years.........

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