1. Verse

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"Come and take a walk on the wild side. Lemme kiss you hard in the pouring rain" - Lana Del Ray

A weapons store.

Yes you heard me right.

The place where I met her.

Was a weapons store.

You're wondering why I was even at a weapons store in the first place?

Well, I happen to have a friend who broke grandfather's lovely wooden bow. In order not to get kicked out of the house, we all went on this mission to replace it, hoping the punishment would be minimized.

Curse you William.

Just as we were about to leave, a woman with the richest shade of black hair, and the lightest strands of white stepped in, making the place glow.

Wren Vozenilek.

I have never seen a woman so annoying, so strange, and yet so beautiful.

From the moment I first saw her enter through that door, I knew that she would never leave my thoughts, not even for a second that day.

She is just something else. She has this air around her that attracts everybody towards her. Though I can't see her features clearly, but I can tell that she's pretty.

Pretty different if I may add.

She acts so independently, but I know that she's just a spoiled brat.


Because she enrolled in our school. Our institution serves as a boarding school for spoiled brats whose parents are always on the go for work or on business. That's why the school was made. For those poor brats whose parents are too busy for them.

I happen to be one of those brats. Those rich spoiled brats who grew up in 10 bedroom houses and chauffeurs everywhere. Those brats who would do anything for money. Those brats who have to play by the rules to inherit their family's wealth.

I'm one of those.

Though what I'm doing right now isn't part of my plan. I'm awake on a Saturday morning at 5 in the fucking morning, waiting for the rich girl to show up so that I can help her unpack and carry her stuff up to her dorm.


Because L is currently with his grandfather fishing while William's in Scotland, getting a new car. So what's the issue you may ask? The issue is that L took a liking to the dual haired girl and forced me to help her unpack since he and William won't be here. Bastards.

L has always done stuff like this in the past, leaving me to pick up his shit. I can't complain though, him being the chairman of the school's grandson, he has got me out of some serious shit in the past, so I owe him big time.

Not to mention that it's quite unusual for our ice hearted one and only Lumos Hernandez to take a liking to someone so quickly. I guess that's why I didn't argue with him further to get out of this job.

The sound of a car snapped my attention back to reality. It's about 5:23 when she shows up in a white North Face t-shirt and some Adidas pants along with white Nike Air Forces. She looked around, spotting me in the distance before running ahead to greet me.

"Hey! You're Verse right?" She said, a little out of breath from running.

"Yeah.. And you're Wren." I said, more as a statement rather than a question.

"Right.. And you're here to help me correct?" She said, eying me up and down.

"Unfortunately." I mumble. That seemed to get her attention as her posture straightens and she looks me dead in the eye.

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