11. Wren

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"And she cried, over nothing, so there was nothing I could do to stop her from cutting, her beautiful blue hair off" - TV Girl

(Warning § vomit)

I woke up today, feeling the regret of gulping down all these vodka glasses in my throat and head. Not even giving me 2 seconds to breathe, I feel a wave of nausea hit me and I full on sprint to the bathroom down the hall. Luckily, it wasn't even 5 am yet so the bathroom was vacant. I slam the door with full force before spilling out my guts into the bathroom.

I sat still on the ground, pushing back my hair as another wave hits me, and I'm back to puking everything I had eaten for the past month. Tears filled my eyes as I continue. Catching my breath, I feel someone open the door quickly and slamming it, exactly like how I did it. Before I can see who it is, they push me away as they start spilling their own guts into the bathroom.

At this point, we both take turns on puking and holding each others' hair back. After what seemed like forever, we finally stopped puking, and started taking deep breaths. I leaned against the shower curtain while the raven haired boy in front of me leaned on the blue tiles on the wall. We both just sat there for a minute, doing nothing but staring at each other's terrible states and breathing heavily.

I finally calm down, taking in his fully appearance for the first time. He was in a navy blue tank top (which I'm sure is borrowed from Dave) with the words "I AM A DINOSAUR!" printed on it in colorful letters. His shorts were yellow with red lines on the back and his hair was a messy birds nest, stray hairs flying everywhere. As for his face, his pale skin is now flushed red from the vomiting while his eyes are wide and teary. In conclusion, he looked terrible.

Although I tried, (obviously not) I couldn't help but burst into loud laughter, holding onto the shower curtain for support.

"Seriously? Its not like you look amazing yourself." He said, getting up to wash his flushed face in the small white sink. I stand up, pushing him aside to look at myself in the mirror, and he wasn't wrong at all. I looked even worse than him. My black and white hair was flying everywhere, my dark circles were even more purple, and my pj shorts (that I borrowed) were lifted even higher, making them look more as underwear.

"The hell do you mean? I look awesome" I said with a hand on my hip and the other trying to calm down my hair.

"No kidding." He said, lifting up his shirt over his head. "Looking good babe"

I suppressed a smile, pleased that he went along with my jokes. In case you haven't noticed, my humor is so completely, utterly hilarious,(Notice the sarcasm?) so when someone actually goes along with it, it makes me really happy. Its usually George, L, or my brothers who do that.

I looked at him, the tips of my ears flushing red as I noticed that he was shirtless, his puke-covered shirt is in one hand while the other was laid flat on his chest. I suppressed a gasp as I saw blood spilling beneath his fingers. 

I stood there, jaw dropping, which I'm not sure is from the huge wound on his chest or from seeing him shirtless for the first time. He had broad shoulders and visible collarbones along with toned abs and the smallest waist imaginable a guy can ever have. Like bitch my waist isn't even that small. All in all, he looked dreamy. Every girl's dream guy was found in him.

He woke me up from my trance with a flick on the forehead, giving me an uninterested look that looked half offensive. "I know that my body is great and all but you will poke a whole into my skull if you keep staring like this."

I looked away, crossing my arms as I replied to him through the mirror. "Whoever told you that needs to stop joking with you since you clearly believed their joke. Plus I wasn't even looking at that, what the fuck did you do last night to get this huge ass cut?! And on your chest of all place?"

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