5. Verse

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"You run and tell your friends that you're leaving me. They say that they don't see what you see in me. You wait a couple months then you gon' see, you'll never find nobody better than me" - Kanye West 

"Where. The. Fuck. Are. You!?" I screamed at my phone.

We were supposed to meet up at Lorenzo Cucina at exactly 9;30 but guess what? L suddenly cancelled cause his grandpa wanted him to get him Specific Tayaki from Japan.

Even with their fast helicopters, it will still take L quite the time to go to Japan just to get some fucking fish.

Now I'm stuck with William, but as usual he's no where to be seen. That motherfucker didn't even reply to my texts for the past 30 minutes.

"Sorry man, I got a bit too distracted and uhh well I totally forgot about Lorenzo Cucina and-"

William, is a bit distracted to the point where he forgets about pizza? That could only mean one thing. George fucking Whitelock. He is with her right now.

"William, where. The. Fuck. Are. You"

"Uhhh listen dude, it wasn't like- this was totally an accident-"

Accident? The fuck is he talking about??

Don't tell me.

"Are you at her dorm?" I asked, my voice dripping with suspicion. What the fuck is this idiot doing at her dorm.

"Uh well V, yes, BUT-"

Oh. My. Fucking. God.

Don't tell me.


"WHAT THE FUCK? LOWER YOUR VOICE ASSHOLE! NO I DIDN'T !!" He screamed too quickly for me to understand what he's saying.

"Then what the fuck are you doing at her dorm!"

"Do I have to be fucking her so that I am allowed to be at her dorm!? We're just chilling!" He screamed back. Yeah obviously I am going to believe him. And yes, you have to be fucking her to be allowed in her dorm.

George despises him from all her heart. There's no way she even allowed him to pass the threshold of the door.

"I definitely believe you William. You and George Washington just chilling in her dorm" I told him in a mocking tone.

"First off, I'm the only one whose allowed to call her that, second off, she actually allowed me to stay since I made Wren laugh" he said defensively. Oh look who is so defensive of the great George Washin-

Wait a damn minute.

"Wait wait wait, rewind. What do you mean by 'made Wren laugh'?"

"And what's in it for you to know this info? I don't think it's any of your busin-"

"Levi. Don't let me tell George about your-"

"HEY! chill! We promised to never talk about that again man! Wren was just a bit upset so I cheered her up and she now is all happy cause of me. I heroically rescued the day again"

"Aww the little bird was crying? Why?"

"Stop being an dick and no. She wasn't crying. She was just feeling a bit under the weather you know" he replied.

"You don't even know what that idiom means you idiot"

"Fuck yeah I do!"

"Anyways since you completely ditched me here, I will meet you at George's dorm"

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