9.5 Wren

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"World don't revolve around you, girl, you not the only one" - Odetari

Verse and I gave each other a look, though I must say they both had very different meanings.

Verse's look clearly said "what the actual fuck? Are we really going to enter into a house of a guy, who calls his boat Lactose and his house Castelo?"

On the other hand, my half Portuguese self gave a look that said "the Castle? Oh my gosh! That's such a creative way of calling it the castle by mixing English and Portuguese and- AHHH ITS SO CUTE!"

I nudged Verse to go forward as he rolled his eyes. As I said, he's a child, forgive me readers.

We entered the house, all the eyes were on us. There were at least 12 people in the living room only, each holding at least a single glass of beer or vodka. They all looked so different, yet they gave you that sense of comfort that only family could give.

"Bitches and Bros, and nonbinary hoes, welcome our newest family!" The golden haired guy spoke, my laughter following immediately from his recent statement.

Verse gave me a bitchy look that said "really Wren?" I responded immediately with a look and a shrug of a single shoulder, my look saying "cmon you old man! That was hilarious", earning a cringey look from him.

"Sorry y'all, he has absolutely no filter and watches too many dubbed anime" an extremely tall girl with short curly black hair said as she pulled the guy away from us. "It's Maxine by the way!"

"I'm Wren, and that child thats carrying me is Verse" I replied, earning a laugh from Maxine and a pinch on my thigh from Verse.

"Pleasure" she replied, dragging the golden haired boy behind her.

Verse rolls his eyes as he looked at the crowd, everyone putting their drinks down to come greet us. They all looked at us suspiciously before breaking into full smiles and open arms for hugs. Verse put me down as the crowd surrounded us, asking for our names and introducing themselves.

"My name's Wren Vozinelik, pleasure to meet you Laura!" I said as I shook the happy lady's hand.

"It's Verse..."

"It's alright Verb! That is not a name to be ashamed of! It's grammar after all right! Wait, or was that spelling?"

"No sir, you're not hearing me..."

I stifled a laugh as I saw how Verse's introduction went. He definitely has a long way to go with that man.

"I heard there's a new edition to the family, who-" we heard an old voice say before it was interrupted by its own loud chain of coughs.

Everyone made way for the old man to pass. I looked through the crowd, noticing how the man looked like he was in his late seventies. A nurse was guiding him down the stairs located in the middle of the house while he dragged and held onto his IV stand.

It broke my heart to see this. This man must be the guy's grandfather, the one who owns the house and enjoys company. I guess I understand now why he does. Maybe he just doesn't want to die alone.

I smiled a little smile as I went forward to greet him.

"Hello sir, my name is Wren Vozinelik, thank you so much for letting us stay here. It's a favor that we will truly never forget"

"My my, well thank you young lady. It's my pleasure! Please stay for as long as you want, I truly enjoy the company of the young, they have the best stories after all!" He said as he chuckled at his own joke at the end of the sentence.

I laughed along. "Well I guarantee you that my stories won't bore you!"

He chuckled at my response. "Well then? What are y'all waiting for? Hit the music and party loudly! Enjoy your young days children!" He said, coughing some more as the nurse told him that he needs bed rest.

I wave goodbye as I watch the nurse drag him upstairs. Everyone smiled sadly as the old man leaves, then they go to do what they were told.

Party Loudly!


Hours passed as the music got louder and louder, and people drank more and more. At this point, I had drank 4 shots of vodka, but I knew I wasn't drunk.

It takes me about 6 or 7 shots of vodka to get me drunk, so right now, I'm just tipsy. I waved at Louisa and Laura goodbye as I grabbed a random drink from a random table.

I looked around for Verse, finding him still sitting with Maxine on his lap, eating his ear off. She have been talking with Verse for the past hour or so, to the point where he got used to her loud voice and spit talking. He looked terrible as he scrolled through his phone, disinterested in what the curly haired girl was saying. I laughed loudly, not expecting him to hear it of how loud the music is. His head snapped in my direction as he raised his eyebrow and looked me up and down. Then, he did the last thing I expected him to do.

With Maxine still on his lap, Verse Relish Vanidestin let out a laugh.

He laughed like a normal human being.

Is this the vodka's doing? Cause my face is suddenly so hot right now.

Maxine looked proudly at herself, thinking that she's the reason of why he's laughing. I gave him a little 'good luck' wave as I went to get myself another drink, a smirk evident on my face since I'm going to see that hot bartender again.

He's like the mixture of the golden haired guy, who we learned his name was Dave, along with the long hair of Lumos, and an eenie weenie little bit of our favorite ginger, William.

He has L's long hair, along with William's ginger hair color and texture, and Dave's tanned skin.

The perfect mixture.

I turned around to give Verse one last look, only to find him extremely busy. The girl who was just on his lap, is now straddling him, her mouth biting deep into the skin of his neck while his hand is on her waist.

He looked me in the eye as he smirked once again, giving me a little wave with his free hand.

Okay that asshole.

Guys I guarantee y'all that his look clearly said "too bad your hot bartender is making out with someone else right now~"

Exactly that.

Wait what?





Guys my humor is so broken Fr 😭
I also cut my hair again for some reason (curtain bangs are back)

Love u babesss
~1141 words

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