2.5 Verse

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"This next song, honestly, is not funny at all but, uh, it helps me sleep at night" - Bo Burnham

We are now walking out of her dorm building and going to mine in complete silence. The sun is slowly becoming hotter by the second as we are walking. It's rays becoming longer and shinier.

I'm too lost in that thought when she asks me the following.

"La Catrina? What's that?" She asked as she read the name of my apartment building. We arrived already?

"It's the name of the building. All buildings in our school hold special names from different cultures. La Catrina is a Mexican symbol for the cycle of life but also, it symbolizes an embrace to death." I explained.

"La Catrina huh, her name is really pretty" she said with a pink hue on her cheeks. The sun rays were hitting the bridge of her nose, and over her left eye, making the deep brown color shine even more.


"Well what was the name of my dorm building" she asked looking at me, her eyes half lidded innocently. Her voice was really low, probably indicating that she lost energy and needs sleep more than anything now.

Her eyes were perfect. They say that the only perfect eyes are the blue or green ones, but her eyes are the perfect ones. She has the widest doe eyes with the largest pupils ever and the most perfect shade of dark brown in them, making them look nearly black.

She had the eyes of an angel, eyes as that tell a story. Though, I doubt that her story will be a beautiful.

"Your building's name is a really memorable one, it's called 'La Mattia'" I answered while searching for my keys in my pockets. At this point, I too, have lost my energy, which showed in my voice as I yawned.

"La Mattia? Why is it a memorable one? I don't believe that I've heard that name before" she said as she stood closer to me.

"Well, Mattia was the daughter of the chairman" I replied as I got inside, signaling her to come in too. She stepped in slowly, taking off her shoes by the entrance. I really don't mind her entering with it though, I know that her shoes aren't as filthy as William's shoes.

She stood still, taking in the whole dorm. My dorm was one of the largest in the school. It was rather a mini apartment than an actual dorm. It has a large wardrobe with a king size bed that took half of the dorm's space. It also has a mini kitchen, a gigantic bathroom, and a walk in closet.

She stood in the eyeing everything as she was transfixed in awe.

The first thing that she went to though was my bookshelf. I asked for my dorm to specifically have a built in bookshelf in the wall where my bed goes, so that it can match to the same one in my house. I wanted my dorm room to look as similar as possible to my room in my house. I can't stand change. I hate change. I hate it so fucking much.

I snap out of my thoughts as I turn my head to stare at the dual haired girl. She locked eyes with me as she rushed to the bookshelf. She picked up book by book, reading it's title as she put the books back in its respective place on the shelf. I can almost see disappointment in her eyes as she found out that all the books here were probably not her favorite. Expected.

"These are all, art manuals and books that teach you about different techniques of art.." she said in a low voice as she held on to one of my books.

"Yeah, in case you haven't noticed, I like to draw" I replied as I took the book from her hand, putting it back in its place.

"So that's the only things that you read? All this library is for art books?" She asked moving to another section of my bookshelf. She picked up the largest book there, carefully reading the title.

"The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" she read in a low voice. "Wow, which stories in this book did you like?"

"You read it?" I ask, taken back by her previous statement. It's not everyday that you find a teenager that reads old stories such as Sherlock Holmes'.

"Yeah, I love A study in Scarlet, and A Scandal in Bohemia, these are probably my favorites"

I looked at her in shock. She really did read them.

"Yeah, these are also on my top 5 list" I replied, giving her a nod as I took the book back to its place. She smiled as she continued inspecting my books.

"Oh my gosh! You have the book of the great tales and poems of Edgar Allan Poe in hard cover!?" She squealed as she held onto one of my favorite books. "It's also really big! Which tales and poems does this book include???"

I suppressed a smile as I held onto the book, opened it, and read her the list of the things included in this books. "The Masque of the Red Death, The Murders in the Rue Morgue, The Tell-Tale Heart, The Pit and the Pendulum..."

Her excitement of when I told her about each story made me feel something.


That I am not the only one who finds comfort in old literature. That maybe there's a chance that there are people out there like me.

People who can understand my feelings and twisted ideas.

People who feel inhuman, people who despise flowers, people who find comfort in touching cold metal.

But I never was really a person who understood people.

All this might be just hallucinations my brain conducted to make me feel less asymmetrical.

That's why I shouldn't get my hopes too high. After all, she's just another one of them; however, one that I met at a weapons store.

I continued telling her everything about each story, and that's how the first morning I had with Wren Nicholas Vozenilek went.


Guys- I think I already know what you're thinking. It's just, I love these books that I have mentioned in here and it might be weird to love "boring books" but they're amazing. I love them with all my heart and I want both Verse and Wren to love them with me.

New chapter coming rlly soon. Love you babes, drink water and stay healthyy

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