Important notice

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So I kinda noticed that some (many actually) don't read the "half chapters", ex: chapter 12.5 or 9.5. Of course, its up to all the readers if they want to skip some chapters (I don't mind at all!), but in case it isn't clear, these chapters are part of the story and they're essential for the plot to actually make sense.

Just in case it isn't clear and I hope I didn't come out as aggressive to y'all or anything I promise I'm just trying to clear any confusions here 😭

Anyways sorry for the bother (probably will delete this chapter later) but are you enjoying the book so far??

Fuck i js noticed that this book is a year old yesterday??? Hello???? I'm getting old damn.

Feel free to comment cuz thats my favorite thing abt publishing new chapters. (New comments yay!)

Also my private messages are open for gossiping, venting, advice, or whatever you need from meee.

If you need anything else from me you can always pm me and we can talk on another platform if you're uncomfortable with this one.

Stay safe and healthy and drink waterr 🫶

Love yalllll


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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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