7. Verse

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"This might be, the lowest place on Earth. Gone too deep, but for what it's worth" Alec Benjamin

Nothing is better than a coffee on a November morning while watching a kid falling off his bike.

Just my lucky day.

I watch as the kid struggles to get on the bike again. After a good laugh, I exit the coffee shop, while searching for the song that will complete this perfect day. I love listening to music, especially when I'm driving late at night or early in the morning. It just makes me feel so much tranquility.


I heard a voice say as I realize someone bumped into me. I stumble back as I take off my headphones to check on the kid who had bumped me.

I look down to find a little blonde boy, who seems to be not older than four or five years old. He wore some camouflage pants with a beige shirt and some long white socks with black strap shoes. He was rubbing his nose as it probably hurt him from bumping into me.

"You alright kid?" I ask.

"... I am, but my nose isn't...." he said in a little squeaky low voice. I hummed a little, kneeling down so that we are face to face.

"Let me see." I told him as I inspected his nose, giving it a little scrunch at the end.

"Well, nothing seems broken."

"Good, cebause my parents were going to get mad if I broke it again.."

I laughed, looking around it see if he has someone with him.

"Good thing... speaking of your parents, where are they?" I asked, unsure if it's normal to find a boy, at 11 am, in a coffee shop alone. Incase you didn't notice, I don't usually just drop home on weekends. I'm only here for Lorenzo Cucina and to see my older sister. Nothing more.

"They are- uhm, not here. They're home." He said, looking down while fiddling with his fingers.

I gave a confused chuckle. I didn't like kids when I was young, but ever since Marcella had Joan, I started to tolerate kids more. Joan is probably the sweetest 3 year old you will ever meet in your whole entire life. The entire family couldn't stop fussing over how cute she is, especially my uncle, her father.

"Well? Why are you here alone?"

"I am, uhm- I was supposed to stay with Sie, but then her boyfriend called her and she stopped playing with me to answer so I left her to go and search for Ree Ree" He said, his voice becoming lower by the end of the sentence.

"Oh? And who is Ree Ree?" I asked.

"She's...." He hesitates.  "She's my... big sister!"

"Nice. So where is she? Why isn't she here with you?"

"Uhm, welll... she's getting..." he said, looking around for his so called sister. "Coffee...."


"Alright, mind if I take you to her?"

I'm really not sure his sister is ordering. I actually don't think he even knows if she's here or not.

Not to mention that I can't just leave this boy here, he's too pretty. He's definitely going to get kidnapped if I left him alone. What kind of 5 year old is this good looking?

He has the greenest eyes ever and the blondest hair to ever exist.


He almost doesn't look real.

(Uhm Verse are you sure you're not a gay pedophile? Cause-)

Shut up Lancelot.

(Just sayin'. Hey, why not consider i-)

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