10. Wren

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"Does it ever drive you crazy? Just how fast the night changes" - One Direction

By this point at the party, I decided to just go to my room and sleep. Like what else could I do right now? Verse is teasing me, my hot bartender is smashing someone else and isn't here to serve me drinks, and the only 2 girls I got close with, Laura and Louisa, have left already.

Plus, we have to go back to the villas tomorrow for another day of this cursed trip, so we will need a good nights sleep and 2 hungover pills.

I didn't bother signaling to Verse that I'm leaving and just put my glass on a random table, before going around the DJ lounge and up the stairs. I reached to the end of the second floor's hallway, finding the room that Dave showed me was for the dark haired boy and I.

The room was small, only consisting of one small sized bed, glued to the wall, one short bedside table, a lamp, and a coat hanger. The walls were colored in white while the everything else was made from wood. Still, the room looked comfy enough to sleep in. Not to mention that the flowery bedding is the cherry on top.

I changed quickly into some pajamas, that consisted of dark blue polka-dotted pajama shorts and a light pink T-shirt with the word "unicorn" printed in black. I'm very grateful for Louisa to have me borrow these since no way I was going to sleep in my clothes and go back to the villas in them. I'm a hygienist woman, I can't accept that.

I jumped on the mattress, putting the covers on top of me as I snuggled even more into the soft cloud-like pillows.

The fatigue of jumping off the bathroom window, running with a twisted ankle, and partying all night dropped on me all at once like a hurricane. Soon enough, I was out-cold.


"And this exact evidence shows that my attorney is innocent and that the culprit is Mrs. Whitelock!"

"Very well then, George Will Whitelock is charged with murder in the first degree and will be sentenced with a life sentence!"

"GEORGE NOO!" I screamed as my eyes shot open and I felt myself hit something hard.

I rubbed my head as I remembered all the events that occurred. Was that a nightmare?

Well ouch, why does the floor hurt so much? Like the floor hurts so much more than the actual nightmare.

I put my hand down on the floor so that I can stand up, only to feel that this floor is a bit different. It's moving? Am I still tipsy from the vodka?

I open my eyes wide as I see that this isn't the floor, this is someone's body. A specific raven haired boy's body if I may add.

He leans his head on the bedside commode as he looks up at me. His gray eyes are half lidded, indicating that he probably just got woken up by my nightmare. Curse you nightmare.

He tilts his head to the side, trying to get a better angle to see me in this dark room. He adjusts his head a bit more as he rubs it with his hand, only for me to realize something. Our faces are literally a few inches away from each other. I can feel his heartbeat with my hand on his chest while he can feel my unsteady breaths.

I can't move. I just keep my gaze in his half lidded eyes, not moving an inch. I lean in a bit, enjoying his gray eyes in the dark light. I can't believe how I never noticed that his eyes are this gray. I always thought they were green with some gray into them but no, they are the richest shade of gray, dark and light.

"Falling for me now? Get the fuck up princess" He spoke, his voice barely above a whisper, that if my face was just an inch farther, I wouldn't have heard him.

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