12.5 William Levi Cowens

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"Is this the place we used to love? Is this the place that I've been dreaming of?" - Keane

(Warning § Sexual Harrasment)

I look over at the clock as I drive on the highway.


George has been tutoring me for about 2 weeks now. Exams are next week so everyone is on edge lately, especially her.

Not to mention that her wasting her time on tutoring me seems to have added more stuff  to her list. I'm positive that she hates every second of those 2 hours she spends tutoring me, that they're like torture to her.

That she would rather jump off a building than tutor me.

But these moments have been a blessing to myself.

I enjoy her company. Her smile when she talks about her memories with Wren; memories of the beach, watching sunrises, slumber parties. Even though these moments don't stay for long, I love seeing her all excited to share such moments with me. I can tell how much she values her relationship with Wren, bow much she loves her. Their friendship always reminds me of my own with the Red Camp. I never thought I would find friends that would be as close as us but she and Wren proved me wrong.

For a friendship to work, it needs to be built on trust, respect, and understanding. Without these things as the base, then the friendship wont last. This is what Red Camp taught me. Trust your friends. Support them. Respect them. Understand them before judging. Don't assume and let rumors take over. Get to know people first before placing your judgement. Don't think that you're alone in this world cause you're not. You have your friends. Just make sure that you know them well before trusting them with your life.

I hope I could build such ties with George. I wish that she could trust me. Tell me about her problems. Be honest with me. Doesn't believe those rumors about me. I wish I could be that person she comes to if she just wants to rant about her life.

But I know I couldn't be that person.

Because George despises me with all her heart.

That's why I'm trying to take advantage of these tutoring sessions as much as much as possible.

Sometimes I would pretend to not understand something, just to see if she's patient enough to reexplain it to me.

She does.

She always does.

She never calls me names or criticizes me for not getting something from the first time.

She never makes me feel inferior to her just because I'm not able to comprehend the information as well as she can. She has taught me a lot too. How to annotate. How to write actually useful summaries. How to study maths in stead of just staring at an equation.

For the first time ever, I actually can understand something on my own without needing someone to explain. I can analyze and summaries without the help of someone or the internet.

What the school have failed to teach me, George did. All on her own. She's amazing.

As much as I enjoy our study sessions, I know that they wont last. After exams, George will be gone and everything that used to happen in our sessions will be forgotten. Everything.

All of our conversations about school, Wren and the Red Camp, our secret of shipping both Wren and Verse since they fight like a married couple, our tradition of getting boba after every study session. 

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