17. Verse

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"Coming down, One love, two mouths, One love, one house, No shirt, no blouse, Just us, you find out, Nothing that I wouldn't wanna tell you about, no" - The Neighbourhood

Did you know that spending every waking hour with idiots causes you to lose brain cells? Neither did I, so save yourself as soon as possible before you lose as much as I did. As for me, I am long gone.

Per usual, Red Camp's having their weekly Lorenzo Cucina nights, and today's no exception to the norm. We sit at our usual table, William and I on the couch while L hauls the mesh hammock. Three half eaten large pizzas sit before us while drinks are on their way.

Our table's on the second floor's patio, overlooking the whole restaurant that rests below us. I drift into my own mind for a while, ignoring whatever William and his concussion-ed brain were talking about. Though he refuses to tell us how he got that concussion, I believe George Washington had a hand in this.

(The dead guy? How would he have a hand in this?)

No, not the dead guy Lancelot. Just let me think in peace!

The short haired ginger has already been messing with his mind for the past two years, clouding his thoughts and appearing in his mind every minute or so. Not a day would pass without him complaining or so much as mentioning her name, but suddenly, his tongue can't seem to pronounce those very own letters.

Something must have happened.

Something has happened.

And with William hiding it from us, then it must be something major. In time, William shall tell us, but the question here is, how long will that take? If it takes longer than this, then it is indeed a major event, and one he wishes not to remember.

Our waiter interrupts my terrain of thoughts as he drops off our first round of drinks. "Two gin martinis and a vodka martini. Anything else gentlemen?"

"Ah drop the formalities Matt" William says with a blow of smoke as he picks up his glass. "Anything new happening these days?"

"Nah I'm boring this week" Matt says before leaning closer to our table so his manager wouldn't hear. "But, I'm feeling today's the day I get lucky"

"How's that?" William says while I scroll on my phone, clearly disinterested.

"Well, a chick just swung by the drive thru, and by the way she looked at me, I'm positive that girl's interested." He replies smugly.


"Told you no one can resist these charms"

William cackles before handing Matt quite a generous tip which he quickly stuffs in his working attire. "This is why you're my favorite server Matt,"

"Right back at you Will." He says before leaving with his tray.

"What a nice guy, he always makes me laugh" William comments with a smug smirk. I was about to comment on that last statement before a car, at lightning speed, sped up from the drive thru, the sound of its engine giving our a table a little shake.

"The hell was that?"

"Probably serial killers grabbing food in between assassinations" L and I give William a look as he takes another slice of pizza, completely unaware of his previous statement's effect.

"Or maybe a person in a rush to deliver pizzas to a party?" L says, leaning from the hammock to put his cup down.

"Perhaps," William starts. "But that wouldn't make any sense. All parties take place miles away from Lorenzo Cucina, so ordering online is more strategic"

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