15. Wren

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"But there's a side to you that I never knew, never knew. All the things you'd say, they were never true, never true. And the games you play, you would always win, always win" - Adele

I thought I was a fast runner but that all changed once I discovered that a drunk idiot just outran me. I follow him as he goes around people, over fucking tables, and into the bathroom? This guy is gonna be the death of me. If he thinks that stepping into the men's bathroom is going to stop me from retrieving my phone then he's sadly mistaken.

I rush after him as I see one of the stalls slam shut. Of course this one is his. I don't even think when I rush and open the stall before he locks it. I slam the door with my back as we now stand face to face in this cramped up stall, our legs are literally touching while our upper bodies lean back in effort of creating some space.

"I can't believe you actually followed me into the guy's bathroom. What the hell?" He says as he looks down on me.

"First off, this is completely your fault and if you think that you stepping into men's bathroom is stopping me from taking back the most important thing in my life, then you're sadly, mistaken." I reply back while crossing my arms. When I look up to see his expression however, he looks like he didn't even listen to a single thing that I just said. He stood still, looking me up and down. Was he, checking me out?

"since when are you this short?"

"Excuse me?"

"No like- are you always this short or am I tripping? You're like shorter than usual right now" I stare at him, half speechless and half thinking about which murder technique I should use.

"So wait, this is like your natural height? Cause you aren't wear any shoes right now, so this is how tall you actually are?" Verse continues before snickering and sitting on the closed toilet seat.

"Oh please, you're like 5 centimeters taller, grow the hell up!" I reply back as I'm in no mood to argue with him right now.

"Well I definitely grew a lot better than you," he says with another snicker. "Now let's see what's on this shall we?"

"Wha-" I start before Verse puts the phone in front of me, opening the Face ID before rushing to his feet. "Verse no, don't you fucking dare."

I try to reach out to the phone, but of course, him being the asshole he is, he lifts it higher in order to be away from my grasp. "Verse I will murder you, just give me back the phone."

"Holy shit, who knew you could look like that?" Verse said as he kept scrolling through my phone. I tried yet another failed attempt at pouncing on him to get my phone. Instead, Verse somehow caught my waist by one hand and seated me on his lap on the closed toilet seat to show me what he was scrolling through.  It wasn't like he was looking at what you guys were thinking, it was just a bunch a videos of me and my friends singing to Ayesha at a bar. Nothing he didn't do. 

"When am I taking my phone back?" I say with a sigh.

"Once I'm done scrolling through your hidden photos."

"You literally won't find anything, I'm not one of those basic whores who take pictures of themselves naked and send them to their 50 year old boyfriends"

He gives me a sassy up and down look before saying,"That's not what I was searching for you know," with a click of his tongue.

"Right, right."

Verse rolls his eyes as he continues scrolling through my photos with me watching him from my seat on his lap. He, of course, couldn't find anything else in his interest since the rest of my photos were pictures of the sky, food, or my little baby Noah.

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