4. Wren

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"Dressing up for Polaroids and cigarettes. Socialize, romantize the life." - Beach Weather

"Are you excited?!" George squealed very loudly in my ears. God did she have to be excited right now? My head is killing me.

"George... my head. Is. Killing. Me."

"okay okay... I'm sorry..." George said whispering as she took a step back from me. Its been 3 months since I have been at Highgate Educational Institution. Everything has been going on quite good, except that my headaches are getting worse.

The school trip is right around the corner so George's pretty excited. Our principal believes that we deserve a little fun before exams. God I love him. Live, laugh, love Mr Windward

We're both just chilling in George's dorm since it's a Friday night. We're supposed to be watching Netflix right now but guess what? I have the worst headache possible. The problem is my head isn't even the one hurting. My eyebrows. My eyebrows are the ones who have the headache.

I was just about to get up and order painkillers online until I heard knocking on the door.

"George, the door is knocking," I said before I noticed how this isn't even a sentence. Whatever that's George. I can be myself around her. She already seen me in my worst states ever: bawling my eyes out, stuffing my face with pizza, swimming like a lost puppy, etc. We have been friends since... I don't know, when we were 5 or something.

Our moms met in an art auction that was held on this famous cruise, "Beeline".

They were both competing over this insanely expensive piece of art made by this new young artist who had become very successful just by sharing this art piece with the world.

The thing with young artists is, overtime, they will get even more famous and their pieces will be worth so much more in the future. Thus, people should buy their art when it's first shown. On the other hand, very little is known about these artists which is why, one mistake, and they're forgotten forever.

Our moms were increasing the prices rather quickly, thus no one else was dared to interfere. In the end, George's father had to stop her mother from going any higher and my mom ended up winning the piece.

This piece became my mom's favorite for 2 reasons after that event:

1. It's value grew 10x than when she purchased it.

2. It lead her to an artistic friend that she can finally rant to about the art industry.

Since then, it wasn't anything abnormal to wake up and find George sitting on our dining table and eating my mom's pancakes. This friendship not only greatly benefited George and I, but our moms too.

This made George and I inseparable. So naturally, when George started going to this boarding school last year, of course, my mom had to register me in the year after. It was tough for George to be alone in such a foreign and domestic institution, but last year went really good for her.

George hasn't had it very easy, thus, she needs me and I need her. Let's just say, that her mother isn't the easiest to be around. As much as I love her mom, her mental illness caused her to put George through some serious shit.

All in all, the past stays in the past, the damage is already done, but George already accepted that years ago.

*knocking intensifies*

"KEEP YOUR PANTS ON WE'RE COMI-" I screamed at the top of my lungs until George came and shut me up as quick as possible.

"Are you CRAZY? What if thats a teacher!?" She whisper-screamed.

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