13. George Will Whitelock

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"There when she cried, you save her life." - The Neighbourhood

(Warning § mentions of SA)

I sit on the uncomfortable hospital chair, desperately waiting for the ginger airhead in front of me to open his eyes. Williams wasn't a bad person, he didn't deserve to get entangled through this shit. Though a couple of weeks tutoring him don't seem like a lot, and I can see how much of a good person he actually is.

He has such a sweet personality that sometimes, its hard to believe that he's the same asshole I see at school. Outside of school, he's a whole different person. He's a kind soul. He helps random strangers out on the streets. He feeds stray animals. He even helps girls who are crying on their bathroom floor for a reason that he doesn't even know.

He's amazing.

Not to mention that despite him needing a tutor, he's actually quite a genius in mathematics. He doesn't need a pen or a paper to solve an equation. No matter what type of equation you're giving him, he will solve it in no more than 30 seconds just using his mind. It truly fascinates me how his mind could do that. Though I must say, it pisses me off that he has such a gift but doesn't take advantage of it.

He literally knew all the answers to our previous math test, but he didn't write anything, not a single number on the paper. The only thing he wrote was his name before skimming through the paper and sleeping through the entire period. Later while I was tutoring him, I gave him the exact same questions and he solved them all. All correct under 15 minutes. Not a single mistake.

Then just why did he fail that test on purpose? What was the reason behind that? Is it, like, cool to fail or something?

He's also doing quite well in English. I was only assigned to tutor him in English and Math, but what is there to tutor? That guy understands these things better than I do. After I discovered that, I started tutoring him in Biology and Psychology, which I discovered were his weak points. He can barely memorize anything in biology and psychology is kicking his ass, hard.

My thoughts were quickly interrupted by a groan, coming from the ginger's body laying on the hospital bed next to me.

"William," I say, relieved. "How are you feeling? Does it hurt at all?"

"What? Uhhh fucking hell, I feel like my head weighs 300 pounds alone." He grunts, his eyes remain closed as he continues. "What in the world happened?"

"Well," I say. "Perhaps I should wait until you're fully awake to say this.."

"What?" He says as he starts opening his eyes. It takes him a few seconds to adjust to the light before he jolts up. "Fuck, George, are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere!? Did that asshole do anything else to you!? I heard the door open but-"

"William.." I say, almost in a whisper that I'm not sure he even heard. I stare at him, shocked by his sudden reaction. He looks worried as his eyes scan up and down my body, trying to see if I'm hurt. His gaze remains on my jaw for a little longer, then his eyes meet my own. My eyes followed his every movement as his hands reached out to my face. He cups it in his hands, staring deep into my eyes as his thumb moves around. I stare into his dark pupils, my eyes widening as I see the genuine concern in them, the feeling of guilt and anger.

He sighs heavily. Then, he returns back into his agony. He grunts as he sits up straight, leaning his head back onto the wall behind him. He touched it, noticing the wrapped bandage around it. Rubbing it, he turns around to face me.

"So, how did I uh, how did-"

"How did you get a concussion?" I say, continuing his sentence.

"Yeah, that"

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